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 EYE CARE AND                                                                                  EYE CARE AND
 QUALITY OF LIFE                                                                              QUALITY OF LIFE

        Combined Approach to Eyelid Surgery in Graves’ Disease  dissection, starting at the center of the tarsus and progressing medial
           The phenomenon of eyelid retraction in patients with euthroid  and lateral from this point, spares the medial and lateral horns of the
        Graves’ Disease presents unique cosmetic and functional problems for   levator muscles. It is important to dissect all fibers off the conjunctive
        the blepharoplasty patient. The cosmetic appearance of bulging eyes,   until all Mueller’s fibers are removed. The bluish cornea seen through
        or exophthalmos, is due in part to true proptosis (forward displace-  the transparent conjunctiva is an indication that this dissection is com-
        ment of the globe from the orbit), and accentuated by retraction of  pleted. It is essential to the process to use the bipolar micro tip cautery
        upper and lower lids. This increased exposure of the cornea, partic-  and, for complete corneal protection, a corneal shield.
        ularly in sleep when the eyelid closure is incomplete, leads to corneal   To evaluate the new level of the lowered lid margin by the dissec-
        ulceration if not corrected. In lesser degrees of exposure, the symptoms  tion, the patient is placed in the full upright sitting position to mea-
        of tearing, photophobia and foreign body sensation greatly hamper   sure the lid margin position in the straight-ahead eye position. The lid
        the patient’s visual comfort. The orbital fat pads in both upper and  margin should lie approximately 2 mm below the superior limbus at
        lower lids are excessive due to infiltration with abnormal lymphocytes   the 12:00 position.
        and deposition of collagen and mucopolysaccharide material. This   The blepharoplasty portion of this operation is completed by
        deposition produces fibrosis and also leads to marked enlargement   exposing the preaponeurotic and medial fat pads, carefully dissecting
        of the lacrimal gland and extracurricular muscles. Severe strabismus   the multilayered abnormally thickened orbital septum from the pure
        with marked diplopia occurs frequently because of this orbital process   fat lobules and resecting only fat. This is a very important point of
        involving the rectus muscles.                         technique in all blepharoplasty surgery, but particularly crucial to the
           This article will be confined to the combined approach of bleph-  success in the eyelid of the patient with Graves’ Disease. The orbital
        aroplasty with levator aponeurosis recession with Mueller’s muscle  septum, usually thin and translucent, is quite thickened and opales-
        extirpation for the upper lid retraction problem, and blepharoplasty   cent from the process of fibrosis that characterizes the eyelid problem
        with cartilage augmentation of the lower lid retraction. The technique  in thyroid ophthalmopathy. Failure to dissect only pure fat from this
        to be described is one of several accepted techniques for management  multilayered envelope of tissue will result in a shortening effect to the
        of this condition, but in my hands has proved to be the best approach  lid, essentially producing further retraction. It is also believed that too
 Thyroid Eye Disorders   for solving this problem, both cosmetically and functionally.   much cautery, dissection or hematoma formation in the orbital septum
                                                              near Whitnall’s ligament causes postoperative lagophthalmos, which
        Upper Lid Retraction
                                                              can be long-lasting and compromise any eyelid procedure.
 of Graves’ Disease  lid is my choice of combining the blepharoplasty with surgery for   thickened with fibrosis and is visible preoperatively, a fixation suture
           The external approach via the blepharoplasty incision to the upper
                                                                 If the lacrimal gland in the lateral third of the upper lid is quite
        retraction. A portion of the excessive skin marked for removal by the   to the underside of the superior orbital rim can reposit it higher in
 By William R. Thornton, MD, FACS  usual “pinch” technique is preserved to avoid shortening the lid ante-  the orbit after dissection of the thickened orbital septal fibers. Of
        riorly, since the lid is actually lengthened by 3 to 5 mm to correct for  course, the palpebral lobe cannot be resected without loss of reflex
        the amount of retraction. Local anesthesia combining lidocaine and   tearing, and most lacrimologists believe it is responsible for a sig-
        bupivacaine without epinephrine is used subcutaneously in the lid.   nificant portion of basal secretion of tears. It is, of course, better to
        Epinephrine is omitted because it will stimulate Mueller’s muscle (the   leave this enlarged gland in place despite the cosmetic appearance
        smooth muscle underlying the levator aponeurosis) and create false lid  of ultimately a severe dry eye only complicates the functional result.
        retraction and an undercorrection. Due to the depth of the dissection   In usual fashion, 6-0 nylon interrupted sutures are used to close the
        and the shorter action of the anesthetic agent effect because epineph-  blepharoplasty incision.
 he normal thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones, which   Initial treatment is done with systemic steroids and antithyroid   rine is omitted, intravenous monitored anesthesia is required to keep
 regulate body metabolism. Hyperthyroidism is the state of  medications to relieve hyperthyroid symptoms of hypertension, tachy-  the patient free of pain and yet alert enough to monitor lid margin   Lower Lid Retraction
 Toverproduction  of  these  hormones;  hypothyroidism,  the   cardia and anxiety/insomnia; to promote complete relief of overactive   positions.   The lower lid is usually retracted on 1 to 3 mm, but it is important
 under production of these regulatory body hormones.   thyroid gland dysfunction, radioactive iodide (RAI ablation) and/or   The skin is resected carefully with a Bard-Parker 15 blade, spar-  to correct even a small amount of retraction in the lower lid to reduce
 Thyroid function is determined through laboratory tests measur-  surgical removal of enlarged glands or rare tumors.  ing the underlying orbicularis muscle fibers. The preseptal orbicularis   the exposure of the cornea and bulbar conjunctiva, both in the closed
 ing if TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is low and gland is overac-  Despite all of the above treatment, even months to years later, the   muscle fibers are resected with straight Iris scissors. The best technique   and open lid positions. Retraction of the lower lid margin of 1 mm
 tive, with T3 and T4 elevated above normal thyroid hormone levels.  Graves’ Disease signs and symptoms may reoccur. This article to follow   to avoid the levator aponeurosis in this excision is to place the scis-  exposes approximately 27 to 33 mm2 of conjunctival surface. The less
 Thyroid-related eye symptoms early in this disorder are a noted   will emphasize a team approach to diagnose and treat and follow the   sors flat to the muscle plane and open the blades and press downward   white of the eye showing above and below the corneal limbus gives the
 staring appearance, dry irritation of eyes, swelling (edema) of eyelids   thyroid patient with Graves’ Disease.   gently, taking only the muscle that is pressed into the blades across   illusion of less proptosis.
 and orbital fat pads surrounding the eyes, creating a bulging out of the   The relatively new intravenous therapy, monthly for seven months   the lid margin length of the incision. The exposed levator aponeurosis   The incision is placed in the usual subciliary line and carried out
 eyes (proptosis), and eyelid retraction preventing full eyelid closure.  with Tepezza (Teprotumumab), costs as much as $16,000 per treat-  with the underlying Mueller’s muscle is then resected superiorly from   onto the lateral canthus. Lidocaine and bupivacaine with epinephrine
 This inflammation of orbital fat, and extraocular eye muscles and   ment. Some patients have reported complications of severe hearing   the superior edge of the tarsus approximately 10 mm with a cutting   are permissible as local anesthesia in the lower lid. The myocutaneous
 eyelid muscles worsens proptosis and exposure symptoms of the eyes   loss, severe hyperglycemia, inflammatory bowel disease, and fear of   and stripping action of the Wescott sharp pointed scissors. To aid in   flap is dissected to the orbital rim. The three fat pads are again dissect-
 including corneal abrasions, double vision and vision blurring with   fetal effects in pregnant women. Some patients have reported a return   the dissection, the lid is everted on a Desmarres retractor, and a bolus   ed free of the abnormal orbital septum, as described in the upper lid
 pain. Secondary glaucoma, which potential loss of visual fields can go   of symptoms.   of 0.5 cc of local anesthesia is placed subconjunctivally just above the   procedure. A minimal amount of lower lid skin is resected at the sub-
 unrecognized without a complete eye exam, is produced by stretching   At this time, this eye specialist recommends for patients with eye   superior edge of the tarsus. This not only blocks orbital innervation   ciliary incision, just enough to close the incision smoothly. To prevent
 and compression of the optic nerve and potential loss of central vision  disorders of Graves’ Disease to have an experienced medical and sur-  to the subconjunctival space, but hydrolytically dissects the Mueller’s  contact of suture ends with the cornea, 6-0 silk is the preferred suture
 and blindness.   gical team to treat this complex lifetime disorder in a timely manner.  fibers from the adherence to the conjunctiva. The somewhat tedious   for the lower lid closure.

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