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                                                                                     will close with a recent story. Last year,
                                                                                     during the 88th Texas Legislative Ses-
                                                                                     sion, we passed a law to strengthen in-
                                                                                     surance networks. For those of you that
                                                                                     don't think about insurance daily, basi-
                                                                                     cally, your network includes beneficiar-
                                                                                     ies and the doctors that care for them.
                                                                                     For physicians, this is where we want to
                                                                                     be, but we want the terms of our con-
                                                                                     tracts to support our practices. Above
                                                                                     all, we want those networks to provide
                                                                                     what our citizens and our community
                                                                                     expect: Access to high-quality care. Late
                                                                                     last year, the regulatory language
                                                                                     dropped regarding this new law. Regret-
                                                                                     tably, the proposed language was un-
                                                                                     fairly tilted more towards the health
                                                                                     plans and less towards physicians. Yes-
                                                                                     terday, I received a call from our TMA
        physiologic monitoring, digital therapeutics and large language models.   lobbying team. I am fortunate that the TMA lobbyists believe in me
        We are seeing augmented intelligence (AI) come into our space and   and trust me to testify on behalf of physicians. It is a job which I never
        help us to do better what we can do. An important opportunity around   take lightly. I know when I go to the Capitol or a regulatory body like
        AI is the physician’s ability to guide how technology comes into our   the Texas Department of Insurance, I know who and what I am repre-
        exam room and our procedure rooms. We must share with the innova-  senting. This Wednesday in Austin, I may be the only physician testi-
        tors and regulators how technology can be rolled out responsibly to   fying. Someone will testify on behalf of the health plans or some
        enable the best care possible.                         business group and say: We can't guarantee that patients can have an
          Another important opportunity, and one which is going to be a   appointment within three weeks. We can't guarantee that patients will
        focus of mine this year, is strengthening our relationship with our part-  have the ability to see a specialist within a 30-minute commute of where
        ner, the Texas Medical Association. I mentioned that we were the first   they live. We can't guarantee that the entire spectrum of specialists will
        component medical society of the TMA. With that comes consider-  be available. And you know what? I'm going to go to that microphone
        able responsibility and considerable opportunity. I'm so grateful to Dr.   and say: I'm a physician, I care for patients, and I speak for my physician
        Rick Snyder II (TMA President) and Michael Darrouzet (TMA Ex-  community. The answer is ‘Yes, we can’ do all that this law requires. Be-
        ecutive Vice President) for being here tonight and showing their com-  cause it is the right thing to do. And it is what we, as physicians, have
        mitment to us, and we will do the same back to them. We will   always done. It is what we do in San Antonio and what we did during
        strengthen our delegation to the TMA House of Delegates. We will   COVID.
        work to nurture young leaders to serve on TMA councils, committees   It is what BCMS has done for 170 years. This organization has a re-
        and caucuses.                                          markable history of success and accomplishment. As your President, I
          Perhaps the greatest opportunity we have relates to an important   will do everything I can to maintain that legacy.
        change in our state: The opening of new medical schools. We are for-
        tunate here in San Antonio to have one at the University of the Incar-  Ezequiel “Zeke” Silva III, MD, is the 2024 President of the
        nate Word. There is also Austin, Sam Houston State, TCU, North   Bexar County Medical Society. Dr. Silva is a radiologist with the
        Texas and the Rio Grande Valley. We have more students and new   South Texas Radiology Group, Adjunct Professor of Radiology
        physicians being trained in our state than ever. As leaders, we have the   at the UT Health, Long School of Medicine, and Vice-Chief of Staff at
        opportunity to meaningfully bring these new doctors into BCMS and   Methodist Hospital Texsan. He serves on the TMA Council on Legislation
        enable their success.                                  and is a TMA Delegate to the AMA. He chairs the AMA RVS Update
          To further emphasize our important partnership with the TMA. I   Committee (RUC).

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