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          Bexar County Medical Society Alliance

                                Scholarship Recipients

                                       By Brittany Garcia, BS, MHA, President-Elect, BCMSA

          Every spring our immediate BCMS Alliance Past President contacts Bexar County Medical and Allied Health professions schools to seek
        out applicants for our scholarships. Scholarship funds are typically disbursed in late July/early August to the winners’ 4-year, Bexar County
        school, and traditionally BCMSA holds a fall event to recognize the winners. Thank you to our past and current members for keeping these
        scholarships going! 

                     Congratulations to all of our 2023 BCMSA Scholarship Recipients.

             Denise Nemeth        Daniel Derrick         Nina Nguyen         Emilio Cassaretto     Hailey Lechuga

                                            Our Medical Student Recipients were:
                    Denise Nemeth: Awarded $3,000 for the Hispanic Medical Student Scholarship. Denise is a student at UIW. 
                        Daniel Derrick: Awarded $1,500. Daniel is a student at the UT Health Long School of Medicine.
                          Nina Nguyen: Awarded $1,500. Nina is a student at the UT Health Long School of Medicine. 

                                              The Allied Health Awards went to:
                         Emilio Cassaretto: Awarded $500. Emilio is a student at the UIW School of Physical Therapy.
          Hailey Lechuga: Awarded $1,000 for The Sandra Vela Memorial Scholarship. Hailey is a Pre-Pharmacy Student at St. Mary's University.
                              Morgan Kingsbury: Awarded $1,000 for The Rebecca Christopherson Scholarship.
                                   Morgan is studying at the UT Health-Occupational Therapy Program. 

                              The application deadlines for the Allied Health Professions Scholarship is March 15,
                                      and the Medical School Scholarship application is due April 15.
                          If you know of an exceptional student or employee in your practice who is interested in applying,
                                       please email for information. 

                                    Brittany Garcia, BS, MHA, is the 2024 President-Elect for the BCMS Alliance.

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