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MEDICAL YEAR AL YEAR                                                                          MEDICAL YEAR
 IN REVIEW                                                                                        IN REVIEW

        •  Shorter Hospital Stays: Due to managed care and advancements in  References:
           technology and treatment approaches, hospital stays are generally   1.  Goodwin J.S., Li S., Zhou J., Kuo Y.F., Nattinger A. Variation
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           pandemic accelerated the adoption of telemedicine and remote   3.  Farid M., Tsugawa Y., Jena A.B. Assessment of Care Handoffs
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           into routine hospital care. These tools enable virtual consultations,   talized Medicare Beneficiaries. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Mar
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           on this change due to being less tech savvy and lacking internet   diner J.C. Changes in practice patterns affecting in-hospital and
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        •  Emphasis on Value-Based Care: The healthcare industry is moving   Res. 2006 Oct 24;6:140. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-6-140. PMID:
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           patient outcomes and the quality of care. This shift incentivizes   5.  König S., Hohenstein S., Pellissier V., Leiner J., Hindricks G.,
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           hospitals to focus on reducing readmissions, preventing complica-  characteristics and treatment pathways during the COVID-19
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 Patient Care in 2024  cialize in inpatient care, are becoming more prevalent in hospitals.   6.  Rennke S., Yuan P., Monash B., Blankenburg R., Chua I., Harman
           They provide dedicated care to hospitalized patients, thus allowing
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           primary care physicians to focus on outpatient care and continuity   SDM 3 Circle Model: A Literature Synthesis and Adaptation
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           see several hospitalists during their stay due to shift handoffs and   Dec;12(12):1001-1008. doi: 10.12788/jhm.2865. Epub 2017
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 he metaphor of “Frog warming in an increasingly hot bath”   out) adage whereby flawed, biased or poor-quality information or   rotations? We must ensure that doctors who choose this work are   7.  O’Connor A.M., Bennett C.L., Stacey D., Barry M., Col
 is applicable to the change in hospital care we have seen over   input produces a result or output of similar quality. 8  deeply devoted to patient care and work with specialists to tailor   N.F., Eden K.B., Entwistle V.A., Fiset V., Holmes-Rovner
 Tthe past twenty years. You do not realize the dramatic changes    Often the patient is left out of the initial care discussion, and   care to the patient’s needs. They cannot cede the care to the spe-  M., Khangura S., Llewellyn-Thomas H., Rovner D. Decision
 in hospital care in 2024 until you need to access it. Now, human-like   consultants and diagnostic procedures begin in the ER and proceed   cialists and must constantly advocate for their patients as captain   aids for people facing health treatment or screening decisions.
 robotic voices through either algorithmic or artificial intelligence (AI)  throughout the hospitalization. A critical difference in these processes   of the care team despite the pull of other allegiances.   Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Jul 8;(3):CD001431. doi:
 phone instructions direct us to the emergency room for daytime, after   is that the choice of medical consultants and nurse practitioner   •  Focus on Patient-Centered Care: The concept of patient-centered   10.1002/14651858.CD001431.pub2. Update in: Cochrane
                                                                 Database Syst Rev. 2011 Oct 05;(10):CD001431. doi:
 hours and weekend care. Twenty years ago, we would contact our fam-  specialists, diagnostic tests and treatment are no longer done by the   care is gaining momentum, emphasizing patients’ preferences,   10.1002/14651858.CD001431.pub3. PMID: 19588325
 ily doctor to be examined at the office, in the patient’s home, or at the   patient and their primary care doctor. Often in this era of managed   values and needs in the decision-making process. This approach   8.  Kulikowski C.A. Beginnings of Artificial Intelligence in Medi-
 emergency room. In the previous model, the patient and primary care  care, the caregivers may be out of network and procedures may not be   includes involving patients in their care plans, providing them   cine (AIM): Computational Artifice Assisting Scientific Inquiry
 physician, after a careful history and examination, would craft a strat-  authorized by the insurer. In this case, the patient ends up with out of   with information and resources, and ensuring clear communica-  and Clinical Art - with Reflections on Present AIM Challenges.
 egy for diagnosis, consultation with specialists, and treatment once  network bills, which increase the cost of the hospitalization and add   tion throughout the hospitalization. This approach is largely aspi-  Yearb Med Inform. 2019 Aug;28(1):249-256. doi: 10.1055/s-
                                                                 0039-1677895. Epub 2019 Apr 25. PMID: 31022744; PMCID:
 hospitalized. We now have a significantly different approach to care. 1-5   confusion to the already complicated process.  rational at this time in the San Antonio community. (personal   PMC6697545  
  Currently the ER physician, contracted often through a group,     Overall, the pattern of medical care for hospitalized patients   communication)   9.  Haleem A., Javaid M., Singh R.P., Suman R. Telemedicine for
 decides on initial care and admission, and then contacts a hospitalist  is constantly evolving, driven by factors such as technological   healthcare: Capabilities, features, barriers, and applications. Sens
 contracted with the hospital. Allegiances are unclear; the patient,  advancements, changing demographics and healthcare policy shifts.   Whatever our concerns are, we will not be going back anytime   Int. 2021;2:100117. doi: 10.1016/j.sintl.2021.100117. Epub
                                                                 2021 Jul 24. PMID: 34806053; PMCID: PMC8590973 
 the group, the hospital, the contract and the corporation all have   Staying informed about these changes is crucial for healthcare providers   soon. We must do our best as physicians to make sure that hospitalized   10. van Staalduinen D.J., van den Bekerom P., Groeneveld S.,
 influence on the physician. The hospitalist plans (with or without  to deliver high-quality, patient-centered care in the hospital setting.   patients or their designated caregivers become partners in care and   Kidanemariam M., Stiggelbout A.M., van den Akker-van Marle
 the patient’s input) diagnosis, and consultation and treatment.    Patients are often unaware of the many changes that comprise their care.  planning, and we must make sure that their improvement and return   M.E. The implementation of value-based healthcare: a scoping
 Training  of  hospitalists  varies,  and  they  are  mostly  residency   What are the changing patterns of medical care for hospitalized   to wellness is topmost in our minds. To do this, we must put the   review. BMC Health Serv Res. 2022 Mar 1;22(1):270. doi:
 trained internists, family practitioners or pediatricians. Physician   patients? Below are key trends and observations:   interests of the patient above corporations that employ us, hospitals   10.1186/s12913-022-07489-2. PMID: 35227279; PMCID:
 societies give certification or designation for these doctors, but   •  Increased Complexity of Patient Cases: As baby boomers, an   that give us privileges to practice in their institutions, managed care   11. The Essential Deming: Leadership Principles from the Father of
 these certificates are not available at the time of care and usually not   unusually large population group, require hospitalization, there is   companies that we credential and contract with to care for their   Quality W. Edwards Deming, 2013 McGraw-Hill 
 communicated so the patient is unaware of a physician’s credentials.   a rise in patients with multiple chronic conditions and comorbid-  enrollees and pharmaceutical companies that reach into practice by
 Critical medical histories often become the work of aides and AI   ities, leading to more complex medical needs and treatment plans.   employment (CVS model) and education. The complexity and power
 instead of careful work by trained physicians, and histories derived   This trend necessitates a greater focus on careful history taking, care   and priority differentials of this environment should be focused on   John J. Seidenfeld, MD, MSHA, FACP, is an Associate
 from interview and exam are often abbreviated by specialists and   coordination and multidisciplinary teams. Are the changes noted   the excellent care of our patients, and further research is needed in   Professor, CASE, at the University of the Incarnate Word School
 focused in most cases. The result might be characterized by a critical   above up to this challenge? Did COVID hospitalizations increase   this area to complete the quality circle of Edward Deming. As Deming   of Osteopathic Medicine. He is a member of the Bexar County
 practitioner or patient reviewer by the GIGO (garbage in garbage   avoidable out-of-hospital deaths for those without COVID?   said, “In God we trust: all others bring data.” 11  Medical Society and serves on the Publications Committee.

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