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 MEDIC                                                                                         MEDICAL YEAR
 IN REVIEW                                                                                        IN REVIEW

        by the developers of AI software, but they are ultimately passed on to   Ronald Rodriguez, MD, PhD, is an Ashbel Smith Professor of
        healthcare providers and patients through software licensing fees and   Urologic Sciences, Professor of Medical Education and Urology,
        increased costs for medical services.                        Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education and
           The Dragon Ambient eXperience (DAX) is an AI-powered tool   Program Director, MS in AI at UT Health San Antonio.
        developed by software giant Nuance, that automates clinical documen-  Dr. Rodriguez is an experienced urologic oncologist, research scientist
        tation. It uses voice recognition and natural language processing to   and medical educator. His research has varied substantially over time,
        transcribe patient encounters, summarize key findings, and generate   and he has made significant contributions to the development of oncolytic
        portions of clinical notes. DAX is being adopted by practices to reduce   adenoviral gene therapy, immunotherapy, targeted ablative therapy and
        administrative burden, improve documentation accuracy, and enhance   surgical management of advanced kidney cancers. He also help establish
        patient interaction. However, the cost of DAX and similar AI tools   the first Dual Degree program, MD/MS in AI, in the country and is an
        is substantial though it can vary depending on the final vendor and   expert in medical education focusing on the use of AI. Dr. Rodriguez is a
        the specific features included. These costs are typically incurred on a   member of the Bexar County Medical Society.
        subscription basis or per-user basis, adding to the ongoing expenses of
        healthcare practices.                                        Parin Chanana is a high school sophomore and a mentee of
           The costs of AI in healthcare are incurred incrementally. Each   Dr. Ronald Rodriguez, with a strong interest in health economics.
        new AI tool or application adds to the overall expense of healthcare   He is passionate about research, is working on publishing a
        delivery. While individual tools may offer cost savings in specific areas,   finance book, and recently earned first place nationally in
        the cumulative effect of adopting multiple AI solutions could lead to   Business Professionals of America’s Health Insurance and Medical Billing
        increased healthcare costs in the short and long run.  The profit motive   competition. Parin plans to pursue a career in health economics to drive
        behind developing AI tools means that healthcare providers are not   innovation in the healthcare field.
        the only entities looking to benefit from these technologies. Third-par-
        ty payors, electronic medical record companies, hospitals, healthcare
        systems, nursing home administrators, home health organizations,
        durable medical device developers and commercial sales organizations
        like Amazon are all seeking ways to derive additional profit through
        the use of AI. Undoubtedly, they will find methods to extract more
 The Impact of AI on   revenue with these tools. However, the expenses associated with these
        profit-driven initiatives are likely to be passed on to patients, increasing
 Healthcare Costs  the overall cost of healthcare.
           The future of healthcare has never been so exciting, as our current
        technologies are advancing at a rate never before seen in human his-
        tory. The advent of AI has precipitated much of these rapid advances.
 By Ronald Rodriguez, MD, PhD, with Parin Chanana  AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare and improve patient
        outcomes, but its impact on healthcare costs is complex and multi-
 .S. healthcare spending is estimated to exceed $6 trillion   zation and scheduling, freeing up staff and reducing administrative   faceted. While there are opportunities for cost savings, there are also
 by 2027,1 which translates to an average cost of more than   overhead. AI algorithms can analyze medical images and patient   potential challenges and ethical concerns that must be addressed. As
 U$19,000 per person each year. With the advent of generative   data to detect diseases like cancer and heart disease at earlier stages,   AI continues to evolve and become more integrated into healthcare,
 AI, the healthcare landscape is rapidly transforming, promising to rev-  when treatment is often less expensive. AI can help tailor treatments   it will be crucial to carefully evaluate its costs and benefits to ensure
 olutionize patient care, streamline operations, and potentially reduce   to individual patients based on their genetic makeup and lifestyle   that it is used in a way that is transparent, safe, effective and equitable.
 costs.  However, the financial implications of AI in healthcare are   factors, potentially leading to better outcomes and lower long-term
 complex and multifaceted, presenting both opportunities for savings   costs.  References:
 and potential challenges.  While AI offers significant potential for cost savings, there are also   1.  Staff M. U.S. Health Expenditure Expected to Reach $6.07 Tril-
 Tech giants and startups alike are pouring billions into healthcare  concerns that it could drive up healthcare expenditures. Developing   lion by 2027. Managed Healthcare Executive 2024; Available
 AI. While many predict substantial healthcare savings from the use   and implementing AI systems can be expensive, requiring significant   from:
 of AI, a McKinsey report identified many obstacles and real-world   upfront investments in software, hardware and training. AI algorithms   health-expenditure-expected-to-reach-6-07-trillion-by-2027
 problems in the actual implementation of AI, which have not permit-  may identify patients who require additional testing or treatment,   2.  Kasyanau A., Council Post: Balancing The Cost Of AI In Health-
 ted realization of those savings.4 Microsoft invested $19.7 billion in   potentially leading to increased utilization of healthcare resources.   care: Future Savings Vs. Current Spending, in Forbes. 2024
 OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT, which has applications in medical   Furthermore, ethical concerns about how insurance companies might   3.  Khanna N.N., et al., Economics of Artificial Intelligence in
 chatbots and patient education. Google is pioneering AI-driven drug  use AI to identify at-risk populations and charge higher premiums or   Healthcare: Diagnosis vs. Treatment. Healthcare (Basel), 2022.
 discovery through its subsidiary, DeepMind. Amazon acquired Pill-  deny coverage based on predicted future health problems could lead to   10(12)
 Pack and launched Amazon Care, leveraging AI for prescription fulfill-  increased costs for patients and exacerbate existing health disparities.  4.  Company M. Reimagining healthcare industry service operations
 ment and telehealth services. These investments are driven by the belief   The FDA considers AI software used in healthcare to be a medical   in the age of AI. Healthcare, Sept 19, 2024
 that AI can address some of healthcare’s most pressing challenges.  device, subject to regulatory oversight and approval.5 This process can   5.  FDA, Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML)-en-
 AI offers several avenues for cost reduction in healthcare. It can  be costly and time-consuming, adding to the overall expense of imple-  abled medical devicesAI MedTech Insights: Empowering Deci-
 automate administrative tasks like claims processing, prior authori-  menting AI in healthcare. Currently, these costs are typically borne   sions with AI in Healthcare & Wellness. 2021

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