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BCMS ALLIANCE                                                                                BCMS ALLIANCE

         Dr. Stephanie Schaefer, FACOG; Victoria Kohler-Webb, BCMSA President;   Danielle Henkes and Jenny Case, Past-Presidents; Dr. Stephanie Schaefer,
         Jenny Shepherd, TMAA President                        Keynote Speaker; Brittany Garcia-Noche, BCMSA President-Elect

 Pink Out! The BCMS Alliance

 By Victoria Kohler-Webb, BBA, MS
         Past-Presidents Rebecca Waller, Katrina Theis, Jenny Shepherd,   Virginia Profenna, Rebecca Waller, Nichole Eckmann
 We serve our Members. We serve our Community. Service is the   President-Elect, introduced and congratulated BCMSA scholarship   Cindy Comfort
 essence of the Bexar County Medical Society Alliance, and the friend-  winner Neriah Sosa. We offer heartfelt thanks to our hosts, TMAA
 ships we build together in the process keep us all coming back year   President Jenny Shepherd and Dr. John Shepherd, President-Elect,
 after year. For over 100 years, we have strengthened our physician fam-  BCMS, for hosting us in their lovely home.
 ilies by providing a combination of relevant educational resources and   What an exciting year for our Alliance! I have enjoyed every min-
 exciting social offerings.  ute that I have spent as President and I extend a huge thank you to
 Our Pink Out Fall Luncheon and General Meeting is a perfect   our 2024 Board. Past-Presidents Jenny Shepherd and Danielle Hen-
 example! Attired in pink, our members gathered to enjoy an elegant   kes continue to be such a blessing to my life both as friends and as
 lunch buffet, signature cocktails and each other’s company. Keynote   the best Presidential Advisors you could ask for. I am so excited for
 Speaker Dr. Stephanie Schaefer, FACOG, presented an in-depth,   President-Elect Brittany Garcia-Noche, and I know she will lead our
 engaging and informative discussion about Breast Cancer Aware-  Alliance in 2025 beautifully.
 ness. In addition, Dr. Schaefer highlighted the community need for   Keep up with your Alliance on Facebook/Bexar County Medical
 the Alliance Period Poverty Project and underscored the importance   Society Alliance and see everything we do!
 of this Alliance initiative. Jenny Shepherd presented an update on       For information on the Bexar
 TMAA programs and underscored specifically how TMA and TEX-                County Medical Society
 PAC serves all physicians and their livelihoods. As always, I was on   Victoria Kohler-Webb, BBA, MS Marketing Statistics, is the 2024   Alliance, scan the code.
 hand to highlight our membership drive and to update our members   Alliance President. She and Ben, an ENT/Head & Neck Surgeon,   Dena Frolichstein, Brittany Garcia, BCMSA President-Elect;
 about BCMSA programs and upcoming events. Brittany Garcia,   are proud Aggies and parents to Luke, 15, and four rescue dogs.  Neriah Sosa, Scholarship Award Recipient; Dionne Fortenberry

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