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          Storing patient information regarding adverse reactions to immu-  The registry consent forms are:
        nizations and other medications helps prevent future adverse responses;   • Immunization Registry – Minor Consent Form is identified as C-7
        this could be the difference between life and death in emergency events.
        For example, people with egg allergies have been advised to avoid cer-  cs/C-7.pdf
        tain flu vaccines due to the potential for an allergic reaction. When a   • Immunization Registry – Adult Consent Form is identified as F11-
        healthcare provider knows that a severe egg allergy is present, alterna-  13366
        tive vaccines that are not produced in eggs, such as recombinant flu   immtrac/docs/F11-13366.pdf
        vaccines, may then be considered.
          Enrollment to ImmTrac2 is not automatic when a person in Texas   For more state information and support, contact the Texas
        receives a vaccine.  Healthcare providers are required by the state of   Immunization Registry.
        Texas to report all immunization records for persons under the age of   Email:, Phone: 800-348-9158
        18. When a child is born, parents are asked to give consent for their   Website:
        child to be enrolled in ImmTrac2. The DSHS implemented HB 1921
        in 2005 to confirm that parents give consent to participate in the reg-  For more local information and support, contact:
        istry at the time they register a birth certificate. If a minor (under the   Adelita Cantu, Chair of Immunization Coalition of San Antonio
        age of 18) was born before 2005, a parent can submit the child's im-  Email:,  Phone number: 210-567-7623
        munization history to ImmTrac2 for inclusion in the registry.
          Once a person turns 18, they “would have to sign a new consent or   References:
        their records will be deleted when they turn 26.”  The new consent   1. Vaccinations weekly totals - public share. (COSA) City of San Antonio
        must also be signed by one parent/legal guardian to participate in Imm-  GIS COVID HUB. (n.d.).
        Trac2. Once an adult grants individual consent to participate in Imm-  datasets/CoSAGIS::vaccinations-weekly-totals-public-share-1/about
        Trac2, the consent is then valid unless revoked by the same individual.   2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, June 7). About
          Obtaining consent may differ depending on the healthcare setting,   immunization information system (IIS). Centers for Disease Control
        such as hospitals, clinics or private practices. “Electronic or digital con-  and Prevention.
        sent forms must contain all the same text and content as the most cur-  about.html
        rent official state registry consent forms, and all of the same client   3. Organizations, A. (n.d.). Immtrac2 Texas Immunization Registry.
        information must be filled out to be valid. Alterations to the text and   ImmTrac2 Texas Immunization Registry | Texas DSHS.
        content are not allowed. Digitized consent forms are subject to the
        same retention, production and disposal requirements as written con-  munization-registry
        sents.”  The signed consent form is then kept and sent to the State of   4. Talk to patients about: What is IMMTRAC2? by Sean Price. Texas
        Texas, and the state encrypts the information.           Medicine August 2020. Texmed. (n.d.).
          It is important for healthcare providers, retail pharmacies and other   Template.aspx?id=54305
        healthcare professionals to stay updated with the latest CMS regula-  5. Price, Sean. Texas Medical Association. (2021, March 1). Texas Med-
        tions (The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) and Texas re-  icine March 2021 page 28. Texas Medicine March 2021 Page 28.
        quirements to ensure compliance. Additionally, healthcare providers
        and other vaccine providers can play a part in assuring accurate vaccine   3653&p=30&ver=html5
        data by educating patients about the purpose and benefits of ImmTrac2.   6. The Texas Immunization Registry: Consent Overview. (n.d.).
          Widespread utilization of ImmTrac2 will increase the ability to iden-
        tify low-income individuals, minority populations and individuals with   ocs/11-15702.pdf
        limited access to healthcare and vaccinations. We can foster trust in the
        healthcare system and promote equal and equitable access to health-  Marina Moreno is a Nursing Student at UT Health San Antonio,
        care. Improved equity results in higher rates of herd immunity and pre-  School of Nursing.
        vents the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases.
          For the most recent versions of the official state registry consent   Adelita G. Cantu, PhD, RN, is an Associate Professor at UT
        forms, visit the Texas Department of State Health Services – Immu-  Health San Antonio, School of Nursing and the Chair of
        nization Registry website at:  Immunization Coalition of San Antonio (IZSA).

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