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Antonio. They are introduced to our history, our underserved commu- IM residency, which will help diminish the substantive shortage of in-
nities and the disparities in health outcomes across the city. They are ternists in the county and region.
introduced to outstanding efforts in these communities, including the Per ChatGPT, "Addressing these healthcare needs in Bexar County
work of Promotores and community health workers who live and work requires a comprehensive approach, involving collaboration among
in their neighborhoods. This year we added a community health fair healthcare providers, community organizations, policymakers and
so the new physicians will be more familiar with the resources available stakeholders. By focusing on improving access to care, addressing
to patients in the community. This orientation of all incoming at the health disparities, promoting prevention and wellness, and enhancing
institutional level is unique among academic medical centers. healthcare infrastructure and resources, the overall health and well-
This last year, the LSOM IM residency started a Health Equity Track. being of the residents in Bexar County can be improved." This small
The IM residents in this Track work with Street Medicine San Antonio, sample of how GME Programs are engaged in each of these domains
the Refugee Clinic, the Alpha House and the LGBTQ+ Clinic, to name will encourage our healthcare community to continue advocating for
a few. The goal is to grow this Track as an offering across many LSOM GME expansion in the county. The recent closure of Texas Vista Med-
GME programs over the next few years. All TIGMER residencies work ical Center posed a substantive threat to some TIGMER training pro-
in the Center of Healthcare Services and Haven for Hope. The LSOM grams' future. Fortunately, several health systems, including UH, have
Family Medicine residents work within the South Central Area Health stepped in to help with talks ongoing with others. The prioritization
Education Center, where they are involved in community education ef- for funding of existing and new GME positions is a constant challenge
forts. Further, they do home visits with the Promotores noted above. and crucial to the continued growth of the pipeline of physicians. As
The WE CARE screening in Pediatrics stated above is a significant ad- noted, the state has embraced GME expansion in multiple ways. Col-
vancement. While there is growing engagement by the GME commu- laboration as well among policymakers and health system leaders at
nity in health disparities, there is much more needed. the local level for GME support will remain important in this rapidly
growing region. Stakeholders can be assured that the next generation
7. Aging Population and Geriatric Care: Bexar County has a of GME graduates will be better prepared to meet Bexar County's
growing aging population, leading to increased healthcare needs healthcare and health needs due to more collaborative engagement
related to geriatric care. Expanding geriatric services, promoting within the community in these seven ChatGPT identified categories.
healthy aging, addressing the unique healthcare needs of older
adults, and enhancing long-term care options are crucial for meet- References:
ing the needs of this population. 1. Jones WS. Graduated Medical Education: The Physician Pipeline
The Medical Center is exploding in the neurosciences with the Biggs for Bexar County and South Texas. San Antonio Medicine. The Of-
Institute for Alzheimer's & Neurogenerative Diseases, Barshop Insti- ficial Publication of the Bexar County Medical Society. July 2022,
tute for Longevity and Aging Studies, and the recent groundbreaking Vol 77, No. 7, p. 12 - 14
for the Center for Brain Health, all of UT Health San Antonio. These 2. Sansom, Will. FDA green-lights bionic pancreas studied at UT
expert neuroscientists drawn to San Antonio have started new fellow- Health Science Center, University Health. University of Texas
ships: Neuromuscular, Neuroimmunology, Movement Disorders, Be- Health San Antonio Newsroom.
havioral Health & Neuropsychiatry, and CNS Endovascular joining green-lights-bionic-pancreas-studied-at-ut-health-science-center-
our four existing neurology fellowships and residency. The research and university-health/
cutting-edge healthcare these centers, research and training programs 3. Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium https://tcmhcc.ut-
bring to our region will have a long-term impact for many years. The
Neurology residency has also grown with support from the UH and 4. The University of Texas System TCMHCC Child Psychiatry Ac-
THECB GME Expansion grant funding. cess Network.
Both LSOM and TIGMER benefit from training arrangements
with the STVHCS, the fastest-growing VA in the country. The VA sup- Woodson “Scott” Jones, MD, is the Vice Dean for GME at
ports close to one-quarter of the LSOM residents and fellows. The part- UT Health San Antonio. Before moving to UT five years ago,
nership with WellMed has also provided an opportunity to work with he served as Dean of the San Antonio Uniformed Services
an ACO primarily serving the elderly. The LSOM also has specialty Health Education Consortium. Dr. Jones also Chairs the BCMS Joint Ac-
fellowships in Geriatric Medicine and Hospice and Palliative Care, gen- ademic Collaborative Committee and serves on the TMA Education
erating more providers in this area of demand. HCA will soon start an Council.
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