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Shop Vendors Who Support BCMS

          BCMS Vendor Directory
          We encourage you to use our supporting vendors whenever you or your practice
          needs supplies or services.

           ACCOUNTING FIRMS           ASSET WEALTH              Denise Smith              always at the peak of current
                                      MANAGEMENT                Vice President | Private Banking   technology.
                                                                210-343-4502              Yulia Leontieva
                                                         Managing Partner, Physician
                                                                Scott Gonzales            Liaison
           Sol Schwartz & Associates P.C.                       Assistant Vice President | Private   (210) 503-0003
           (HHH Gold Sponsor)                                   Banking         
           Sol Schwartz & Associates is the   Aspect Wealth Management   210-343-4494      Kevin Setanyan
           premier accounting firm for San   (★★★ Gold Sponsor)   Managing Partner
           Antonio-area medical practices   We believe wealth is more than   (210) 503-0003
           and specializes in helping    money, which is why we improve   “Community banking partner-
           physicians and their management   and simplify the lives of our clients,   ship”    Artyom Vardapetyan
           teams maximize their financial    granting them greater satisfaction,          Managing Partner
           effectiveness.             confidence and freedom to   Synergy Federal Credit Union   (210) 503-0003
           Jim Rice, CPA              achieve more in life.     (HH Silver Sponsor)
           210-384-8000, ext. 112     Michael Clark, President   Looking for low loan rates for mort-  “Accurate results in record time.”
           210-268-1520              gages and vehicles? We've got
       them for you. We provide a full
           “Dedicated to working with    suite of digital and traditional    CREDENTIALS
           physicians and physician groups.”   “Get what you deserve … maxi-              VERIFICATION
                                      mize your Social Security benefit!”   financial products, designed to   ORGANIZATION
                                                                help Physicians get the banking
           ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE        BANKING                   services they need.

                                                                Synergy FCU Member Services
                                                             Bexar Credentials Verification, Inc.
           Express Information Systems                        (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor)
                                                                                          Bexar Credentials Verification Inc.
           (HHH Gold Sponsor)         Broadway Bank             “Once a member, always a    provides primary source verification
           With over 29 years’ experience,   (HHH Gold Sponsor)   member.  Join today!”   of credentials data that meets The

           we understand that real-time visi-  Healthcare banking experts with a          Joint Commission (TJC) and the Na-
           bility into your financial data is   private banking team committed to   CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS   tional Committee for Quality Assur-
           critical. Our browser-based   supporting the medical community.                ance (NCQA) standards for health
           healthcare accounting solutions   Thomas M. Duran                              care entities.
           provide accurate, multi-dimen-  SVP, Private Banking Team Lead                 Betty Fernandez
           sional reporting that helps you   210-283-6640                                 Director of Operations
           accommodate further growth and   TDuran@Broadway.Bank                          210-582-6355
           drive your practice forward.   Livingston Med Lab
           Rana Camargo               “We’re here for good.”    (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor)
           Senior Account Manager                               High Complexity Clia/Cola accred-  “Proudly serving the medical com-
           210-771-7903                                         ited Laboratory providing White   munity since 1998”
                                 Glove Customer Service. We offer a
                                   Full Diagnostic Test Menu in the
           “Leaders in Healthcare Software                      fields of Hematology, Chemistry,   FINANCIAL ADVISORS
           & Consulting”              The Bank of San Antonio   Endocrinology, Toxicology,

                                      (HHH Gold Sponsor)        Infectious Disease & Genetics.
           ATTORNEYS                  We specialize in insurance and   Robert Castaneda (CEO)
                                      banking products for physician   210-316-1792       Oakwell Private Wealth
                                      groups and individual physicians.    Management
                                      Our local insurance professionals   Joey Martinez    (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor)
           Kreager Mitchell           are some of the few agents in the   (Director of Operations)   Oakwell Private Wealth Manage-
           (HHH Gold Sponsor)         state who specialize in medical   210-204-7072      ment is an independent financial
           At Kreager Mitchell, our healthcare   malpractice and all lines of insur-   advisory firm with a proven track
           practice works with physicians to   ance for the medical community.   Dwight Chapman    record of providing tailored finan-
           offer the best representation pos-  Brandi Vitier    (Account Manager)         cial planning and wealth manage-
           sible in providing industry specific   210-807-5581   210-591-2649             ment services to those within the
           solutions. From business transac-   medical community.
           tions to physician contracts, our   Brian T. Boswell, CFP®, QKA
           team can help you in making the                      “Trusted Innovative, Accurate, and   Senior Private Wealth Advisor
           right decision for your practice.   Amegy Bank of Texas   STAT Medical Diagnostics”   512-649-8113
           Michael L. Kreager         (HH Silver Sponsor)                                 SERVICE@OAKWELLPWM.COM
           210-283-6227               We believe that any great rela-           
    tionship starts with five core val-             “More Than Just Your Advisor,
           Bruce M. Mitchell          ues:  Attention, Accountability,                    We're Your Wealth Management
           210-283-6228               Appreciation, Adaptability and   Genics Laboratories   Partner”
    Attainability. We work hard and   (HHH Gold Sponsor)
     together with our clients to ac-  Genics Laboratories offers accu-
           “Client-centered legal counsel with   complish great things.   rate, comprehensive and reliable   Elizabeth Olney with Edward Jones
           integrity and inspired solutions”   Robert Lindley   results to our partners and pa-  (HH Silver Sponsor)
                                      SVP | Private Banking Team Lead   tients. Genics Laboratories is   We learn your individual needs so
                                      210-343-4526              committed to continuous re-  we can develop a strategy to help
                               search, ensuring our protocols are   you achieve your financial goals.

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