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        profession that is above a certain “standard.”
        Whether it was intentional or not, we have
        been bred and conditioned to obtain perfec-
        tion.¹0 From undergraduate science classes to
        the Medical College Admissions Test
        (MCAT) and medical school class rankings −
        we’ve been taught that perfection is what we
        should strive for.¹0 So, when human error oc-
        curs in the hospital, like it inevitably will, peo-
        ple play the name, shame and blame game.¹0
        People are punished for their honest mistakes
        and these honest mistakes increase substan-
        tially when our healthcare teams are under-
        staffed and healthcare workers are overworked
        and burnt out, which has increased due to the
        COVID-19 pandemic.                  to redesign healthcare delivery by prioritizing   identify burnout.
                                            the most urgent patients with the most acute   • Hospital systems must integrate mental
        Misdiagnosis                        conditions, and rescheduling patients with   health services like counseling, chaplain serv-
          According to the Agency for Healthcare   chronic conditions and elective surgeries for   ices, accommodations in work schedules and
        Research and Quality,¹¹ the presence of   later appointment times and dates.¹¹ The fear   community support for healthcare workers.¹²
        COVID-19 in our communities increases the   of patient safety and COVID-19 transmission   • Involve healthcare workers in the process
        risk of misdiagnosis in patients with respira-  has facilitated delays in preventative care, gen-  of developing, integrating and evaluating
        tory illnesses. For example, if a patient comes   eral checkups and screening procedures.¹¹ We   measures to help identify burnout.¹²
        into the emergency room with a respiratory   will feel the impact that COVID-19 has had   • Encourage reflection and blame-free en-
        illness presenting with COVID-19-like symp-  on our healthcare system for a very long time.   vironments for healthcare workers to share
        toms and the hospital is unable to see that pa-  The effects will pop up in places we least ex-  their experiences.¹³
        tient until they get a COVID test, that patient   pect. For example, the World Health Organi-  • Eliminate the stigma associated with men-
        may experience a delayed diagnosis of a non-  zation estimates that over 20 million routine   tal health-related illness.7
        COVID-19 condition. The COVID-19 pan-  preventive vaccinations will be missed due to   • Hospital leadership must show their ap-
        demic has shifted the decision-making   the pandemic.¹¹ The fear of COVID-19 trans-  preciation, support and spread words of en-
        processes of the healthcare system: if a patient   mission and delayed patient care has not only   couragement.¹²
        presents with COVID-like symptoms, it is as-  increased the volume of patients in the inten-  • Encourage healthcare team meetings or
        sumed that they have COVID until proven   sive care unit but will continue to negatively   check-ins to facilitate constant communica-
        otherwise.¹¹ Patients who present with   affect patients looking for preventative care   tion, team building, trust and a stronger sense
        COVID-like symptoms do not always have   and patients with chronic health issues look-  of support.¹²
        COVID.¹¹ Misdiagnosis perpetuated by the   ing for continuation of care.¹¹ COVID-19 has   • Monitor fatigue, stress and sleep via mo-
        magnitude of the pandemic can delay patient   unraveled the structure of our healthcare sys-  bile health tools. ¹²
        care and inevitably lead to increased progres-  tem and its processes. Without proper mitiga-
        sion of non-COVID illnesses.¹¹      tion, structural changes and policy updates,   The pandemic has caused frustration,
                                            our healthcare system and communities could   burnout and loss of passion among many
        Delayed patient care/fear of COVID-19  suffer the greatest impact.       physicians and other healthcare workers. A
        transmission                                                             change must be made to decrease burnout and
          The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly   What can be done to prevent and    optimize patient care and safety. Happy,
        impacted the delivery of health care in the   identify burnout?          healthy physicians are more likely to deliver
        United States. As we continue to fight to flat-  The following list is suggested from our lit-  the quality care that patients deserve.
        ten the curve, healthcare administrators,   erature review that expanded on how we can
        healthcare workers and frontline staff have had   support healthcare workers to prevent and      continued on page 30

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