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Rick Evans, BCMS legal counsel for 41-years, praises the lead-
ership, years of service, dedication and successes of Mr. Fitzer
with the crowd.
Jayesh Shah, MD; Mayor of Shavano Park, Bob Werner; Buddy Swift, MD; Steve
Fitzer and Vijay Koli, MD pose for a picture. Rajeev Suri, MD gives remarks at the building dedication.
United States, bringing financial and manage- building in honor of our recently retired CEO and has laid the groundwork for us to con-
ment strength to the organization, and for and Executive Director, Stephen C. Fitzer, we tinue to support the future generations of
constructing this one-of-a-kind, award-win- celebrate his leadership, guidance and dedica- physicians in times to come. Steve embodies
ning building that will be the home of BCMS tion to the physicians of Bexar County and as the spirit of BCMS in his actions, his profes-
for the next 100 years or more, this beautiful such, the patients in our community. The nam- sionalism, and his commitment to the Society
building is named in his honor, to be known ing of this building in Mr. Fitzer’s honor will and for its ideals.”
as the Bexar County Medical Society Stephen serve to remind us all of the past, current and The Bexar County Medical Society is the
C. Fitzer Building. future dedication that we exercise daily to serve oldest county medical society in Texas and
“When I learned about this great honor, I our physician members and their practices.” eighth largest in the U.S. representing more
felt a genuine sense of appreciation and recog- Dr. Rajeev Suri, the current BCMS Presi- than 5,600 physicians in and around San An-
nition for my years of service. I feel a bond dent, said “This building naming ceremony tonio, Texas. The society seeks to promote
with the Society, its members and my col- also speaks to the vision and mission of high standards of medical care in the commu-
leagues that will endure forever in my heart,” BCMS, which is to provide quality healthcare nity, advocating on behalf of physicians and
said Mr. Fitzer. to the patients of Bexar County and make patients while providing beneficial services to
Melody Newsom, the current BCMS CEO Bexar County a healthier community. Mr. its physician members. For more information
and Executive Director, said “By naming our Fitzer truly exemplified the skills of a leader about BCMS, visit
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