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        sistent support for this crucial learning at the medical student level. You   6. Kneese, G. Andry, N. Gonzalez-Schlenker, C. Johnson-Esparza, Y.
        are an inspiration to all who seek to be leaders and programmers in   (2022). Beyond social determinants | Clinical approaches. UTHSA
        health equity and clinical fluency in the next generations of physicians.   Team Care Curriculum Session.
                                                               7. Clinical Curriculum | UT Health San Antonio. (2019). Retrieved
        References                                               23 April 2022, from
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        2. Kim, E. J., Marrast, L., & Conigliaro, J. (2020). COVID-19: mag-  Garrett Kneese is a graduating senior medical student at the
           nifying the effect of health disparities. Journal of general internal   Long School of Medicine's MD/MPH program and curriculum
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        3. Redlining and Neighborhood Health. NCRC. (2020). Retrieved   ment of Family and Community Medicine. He will be entering his Family
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        4. Hood, C. M., Gennuso, K. P., Swain, G. R., & Catlin, B. B. (2016).   tinue to work towards advances in health equity training at the under-
           County health rankings: relationships between determinant factors   graduate & graduate medical education levels.
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           cine, 50(2), 129-135.                                       Samantha Driscoll is a medical student at UT Health San
        5. Bambekova, P. G., Liaw, W., Phillips, R. L., & Bazemore, A. (2020).   Antonio pursuing Family Medicine. 
           Integrating community and clinical data to assess patient risks with
           a population health assessment engine (PHATE). The Journal of
           the American Board of Family Medicine, 33(3), 463-467.

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