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                                                                                 children, helping friends, working for a greater
                                                                                 cause, or expressing themselves in creative
                                                                                 ways. For physicians, staying connected to
                                                                                 your WHY, understanding the immense im-
                                                                                 pact of your work, and remembering why you
                                                                                 chose to do what you do may help you find
                                                                                 fulfillment, even in everyday tasks.

                                                                                  It is probably redundant to tell you how im-
                                                                                 portant it is to feel accomplished. I will dare
                                                                                 to say that had you not had clear goals and a
                                                                                 sense of satisfaction and achievement when
                                                                                 you arrived to them, you would not have suc-
                                                                                 ceeded through medical school and residency.
                                                                                 Having goals and accomplishments in life is
                                                                                 important to stay in the path of thriving. Re-
                                                                                 examine your accomplishments and your
 Interdependence and    real sense of wellbeing is what makes it so ap-  Engagement   goals, set new ones if need be, and celebrate
                                            emotional life.
        difference between a pretend happiness or a

                                                                                 your achievements.
        propriate in the times of COVID-19. We

 Positive Psychology:   need not forget the pain and suffering the   and integrate into our lives the activities where   Conclusion
                                              Engagement is our ability to remain present
        world is experiencing. But we can take some
                                                                                  We work in an increasingly complex system
        time to explore and promote what is helping
                                            we find calm, focus, and joy. Activities that
        us survive, better yet flourish, through it.   meet our need for engagement rush positive   made more intense by the current pandemic,
                                                                                 yet through our Interdependence, we have the
 Using our Shared Experiences to Flourish in Challenging Times      neurotransmitters and hormones to our body,   opportunity to forge a shared vision, express
        PERMA                               infusing us with a sense of well-being. When   our gratitude for those on this same journey,
 By Jon Courand, MD   At the heart of PP is the PERMA model,   we are interested, focused and enjoying what   and act with compassion for those who are
        the five core elements of psychological wellbe-  we do, we are in “the flow.” Incorporating   suffering.
 The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a   ternational collaboration as teams of re-  learned, the hopes, the skills that have sup-  ing: Positive Emotion, Engagement (or a state   mindfulness, the practice of being fully pres-  We are all here to bring our unique talents
 dramatic demonstration of our human inter-  searchers, hospital systems, healthcare work-  ported our survival and, in many occasions,   of flow), Relationships, Meaning, and Accom-  ent in the here and now might be the key to   to this wider effort. Positive Psychology
 connectedness, encompassing individuals be-  ers, innovators, policy makers, manufacturers,   our success. These “things” are the focus of   plishment (3). These five elements can help us   feeling fully engaged, and a powerful antidote   through PERMA provides a useful roadmap
 yond our families and local communities to   epidemiologists, pharmaceutical companies   Positive Psychology (PP), a scientific approach   move towards a life of fulfillment, happiness,   to burnout.      to help guide us beyond a state of enduring
 nations and the world as a whole.  At times,   and others come together in a global effort to   to the study of what enables individuals and   and meaning.      one’s life to flourishing within it.
 this interconnectedness has been viewed as a   address the immense challenges of the Coro-  communities to thrive. PP was “founded on      Relationships
 great risk factor prompting physical distanc-  navirus pandemic.      the belief that people want to lead meaningful   Positive Emotions   PP is based on the concept of humans as so-   Jon Courand MD, FAAP is Profes-
 ing, quarantine or even sheltering in   We are not just interconnected; we are   and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best   Focusing on positive emotions is the ability   cial beings, with a deep need for physical and   sor and Vice Chair for Education and
 place.  More than a few times I have walked   also interdependent.  That interdependence far   within themselves, and to enhance their expe-  to remain optimistic and view our experiences   emotional interactions with others. These inter-  Training in Pediatrics and Assistant
 through a store or my workplace and viewed   from being a threat is actually a critical strength   riences of love, work, and play.” (1).   from a constructive perspective. Optimism is   actions promote connection, love, and intimacy.   Dean of  Wellness Programs for GME at UT
 my friends, neighbors and colleagues as threats   which opens in each of us a space for gratitude,   Researchers and theorists in PP have stud-  a big component of PP since it postulates that   Hence, interconnectedness and the relation-  Health San Antonio.
 to my personal health, or grew angry at those   shared experiences and a focus for compas-  ied human thoughts, emotions, and behaviors   joy, meaning, creativity and happiness can be   ships it creates are crucial to meaningful lives.
 who chose to gather in large groups or delib-  sion.  Sharon Salzburg wrote in Real Love: The   from a strengths’ perspective. In other words,   developed through consistent work. As a ther-     Resources
 erately chose not to wear masks.     Art of Mindful Connection “The combination   PP is dedicated to the study and promotion of   apist (AD), I sit all day with difficult emo-  Meaning   1.
 Along the way, however, many of us sensed   of realizing our distinctiveness along with our   “what makes life most worth living” (2).  This   tions. I accompany others in their pain and   Another key element that can promote ful-  2.   Peterson, et al.  Group Well-Being from a
 with increasing unease the isolation and lack   unity is seeing interdependence”.       is often at odds with the health care approach   suffering day-in and day-out. I must constantly   fillment and life satisfaction is the understand-  Positive Psychology Perspective. Int
 of human interaction. We missed the physical   The insight emanating from this realization   which operates through the lens of a disease   remind myself that many people are thriving,   ing of “why am I on this earth?” Mark Twain   Assoc. Applied Psych, (57) pp.19- 36,
 connection of shaking hands, embracing loved   of our distinctiveness along with our unity can   mode looking for the pathological and dys-  that even my own clients can feel very differ-  said, “The two most important days of your   2008
 ones or sitting down with friends to share a   be profoundly transformational. Beneath the   functional. PP relies on research and scientific   ent and happy in other moments of their lives.   life are the day you are born and the day you   3.
 meal.  Despite that isolation we have wit-  layers of unease and distress, there is the   methods to identify then strengthen what   I just don’t get to witness them. I find that this   find out why”.  Many people find the answer   positive-psychology-definition/
 nessed, perhaps for the very first time true in-  strength that keeps us going, the lessons   works in our lives to promote wellbeing. This   perspective helps me reclaim control over my   through religion or spirituality, raising their

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