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SOCIAL DETERMINANTS                                                                            SAN ANTONIO
 OF HEALTH                                                                                         MEDICINE

 COVID-19 & Education                       journey, on which we have embarked together,   it was not one big thing rather the collection
                                              I believe that it is quite common on this
                                                                                 of little ones. The little moments and the little
 The GAP Year  By Leah H. Jacobson, MD, FAAP  to experience similar feelings and make like-  interactions. The little girl who as a refugee
                                            minded connections. How we interpret these
                                                                                 ended up in my care, who looked up at me and
                                            may differ for us individually and how we   saw a scarf that she could relate to, who told
        On                                  draw meaning from each encounter to relay it   me she wanted to be me when she grew up. The
 No one could have imagined what would happen to our education   get this pandemic under control,   to our path again may be more personalized   little breaths of air, taken by a dying man sur-
 system at the start of the pandemic in March 2020. What initially was   and start fresh next year.  It does   and sacred for each. I am unsure of the senti-  rounded by his family; one who knew life as a
 thought to be a “blip” in the education of our children and young peo-  not mean we should not continue   Becoming    ments of the majority when it comes to deep   daredevil, who was used to breathing fire, now
 ple has turned in to an arduous ongoing journey with no end in our   to educate and provide for our   reflection on past events but I personally find   engulfed by it in a fever because the cancer cells
 foreseeable future.  Students, educators, administrators, staff and par-  children and young people during   a Physician   myself skipping this necessary step at the end   had nested too long. The little steps taken by
 ents have all been affected.   this time, but we should take the   of my days. I don’t know that I fully allow my-  the aunt down what seemed to be a never-end-
 As a general pediatrician and a parent in our community, I quickly   pressure off of them, the parents,   self to ponder the nature of what it is that I am   ing hospital corridor, who went from holding
 learned about the good and the not-so-good aspects of virtual/dis-  the educators, and the school sys-  By Abeer Chohan  doing. I think that it is easier to go through   up her family to being propped up by a friendly
 tance learning.  I chose to get involved at both the local and State level   tems during this very difficult pe-  the motions of care than the emotions of care.   OT in recovery from her stroke. The little tri-
 to help educate myself, as well as other health care providers and the   riod in our lives, and not expect   Of course, every patient has a story to tell, be-  umphs and the little sorrows encompassing the
 community about the ever changing aspects of the Sars-CoV2/   perfect attendance, great test   yond the story of their chief complaint and   vast experience of what it means to become.
 COVID-19 virus.  More importantly, I wanted to know how it was   scores, or large academic achieve-  their past medical history, beyond anything   I think it dawned on me a little too late per-
 affecting us.     ments.  Basic needs and health are   that physical scars and aches and sores can   haps that being a doctor is not treating a dis-
 With regards to the current education situation, there are no win-  the important keys at this time.   comprehend. It is not until you reach into the   ease, it is healing a person. A person with a
 ners.  Everyone is struggling in their own way. That could be the student      crevices and tap into the rich mines of the   story and a life and a soul and memories to
 who chooses to stay home to keep her elderly grandparents safe, but suf-  Leah H. Jacobson, MD FAAP is a general pediatrician in   wounds that you will truly understand an-  share. I do recall when I first was let out onto
 fers due to social isolation, or it could be the kindergartner who is losing   private practice. She is Chair of the BCMS COVID-19 Task   other's suffering, truly empathize with an-  the wards, an eager kid excited to see all the
 out on basic education because his family does not have the economic   Force Subcommittee on Pediatrics and Schools, a member of the   other’s pain.    pictures I've spent so long staring at; jealous
 means to afford high speed internet.  Then there are the educators who   Metro Health PreK-12 Consultation Group, a member of the TMA   In “becoming” what it is we set to be, I think   when a classmate recollected a stirring tale of
 are putting themselves and their families’ health at risk to teach our chil-  School Reopening Work group, a member of the TMA Committee on   many of us will have noticed how “unbecom-  what rare diseases and conditions they bore
 dren.  We are literally having to weigh health versus education.   Child and Adolescent Health, and was the 2017 BCMS President   ing” of our former selves we are. It is a dynamic   witness to; always forgetting that there is a life
 Recent statistics point to community positivity rates being high       change to be molded into one who is ready to   who now embodies that disorder, whose life
 again, and the patience of students, teachers and parents are wearing   References and Information   serve. Each tribulation fragments you and   has been molded and twisted and plunged,
 thin. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is applying pressure to   1 . CDC guidance as of September 2020.   sometimes even delivers a blow so strong it will   maybe by that same warrior tsunami that came
 schools to bring more students back for in-person education, which   2 . State level data:   wring and shake the very core of your being,   for us, into becoming a patient.
 adds more stress to the situation.   texas-education-agency/   causing the soft and malleable parts of you to   We are becoming together and in that be-
 Fortunately, we know more about SARS-CoV-2.  Global, national   3 . TEA/State level data:   shift and reform you once again. Not so much   coming we find connection, meaning, unity
 and local data provide some reassurance about in-school transmission   covid/SY-20-21-Public-Health-Guidance.pdf   like a diligent sculptor who continuously chips   and from that we heal, prosper, and become
 (see additional information below for links).   4 .  Local data:  away at the right corners and constructs the   whole.
 Bexar County has particular disparities associated with the issues   Do/Reopening-Safely/Information-for-Residents#RemoteLearn-  perfect image, but rather like a warrior tsunami
 brought about by the COVID-19 virus.  A higher rate of infection   ing. Almost all cases represent out-of-school transmission (i.e.   that knows only destruction in its path, its   Abeer Chohan is a 4th year medical
 has been found in certain areas/zip codes of the county. And it has   household, social circles). (But there are several studies that show   winds and water forcing the pliable sand to   student at UIWSOM, pursuing a res-
 been repeatedly stated that certain school districts’ students/families   that children do transmit to household members—and certainly   shift and violently reassemble itself from   idency in pediatrics. She is a proud
 lack the means to provide essential technical infrastructure, such as   adult staff do.)   amongst the remnants.    member of the inaugural class at UIWSOM and
 high-speed internet, or provide basic necessities, such as food.  There   5 . Additional  local  data  (epidemiological  reports):   I think many see the journey as a factory as-  a member of the Bexar County Medical Society.
 are reports of increased domestic abuse related to loss of job/income,  sembly line, and maybe that is what it seems
 added stress, etc., as well as mental health conditions (for all   boards-Data/Epidemiological-Reports.  Cases in children on p. 6   from the outside. A naive bright eyed pre-med
 ages).  Many students with special needs are suffering without school-  of November report, and hospitalizations on p.11.   goes in and a hardened and wise physician
 provided services and therapies. These students are the ones that need      comes out. But what it takes to get from point
 to be present in school, but contrarily also need to be at home (as to   In a Previous Health Directive, Junda Woo of the San Antonio   A to point B only few truly know. It is hard for
 not be potentially exposed to the virus).    Metro Health defines Red/Yellow /Green (https://covid19.sananto-  me to imagine one single instance, one event
 So, what is the answer?  I do not think there is just one, but my per-  that I can look back on and say “yes, that is
 sonal thought is that this is a “Gap Year!”  Everyone take the year off,   tive-schools-amended-20200903.pdf ).      when I knew I had become a doctor.” I think

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