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        by Amanda Means, Class of 2022, Long School of Medicine, UT Health San Antonio

        While drawing "Layers" I was inspired by the beauty and complexity found in the study of medicine. The overlap between natural sciences
        and the humanities is something that I enjoy in this field and have been able to use as a source of creativity.

                                                    Still Life: Fresh Summer Figs
                                                    by Sammar Ghannam, Class of 2021, Long School of Medicine, UT Health
                                                    San Antonio

                                                    This is an oil painting inspired by the beauty in nature that surrounds us in our
                                                    daily lives. I constantly find myself in awe of the beauty and meticulous organi-
                                                    zation of colors, textures and patterns in nature. My love for creating and appre-
                                                    ciating art led me to choose diagnostic radiology as my medical specialty. I am
                                                    so fortunate to be able to put my skills and passion for the visual arts to work
                                                    when I use various imaging modalities to help my patients lead healthier lives. I
                                                    know that the very visual and artistic field of diagnostic radiology will give me so
                                                    much meaning, value and purpose in my personal practice of medicine.

                                                                                                 continued on page 38
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