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        Artistic Expression

        in Medicine

        By Kristy Y. Kosub, MD, Professor, Department of Medicine, UT Health San Antonio

          Medical training and the practice of
        medicine are immensely rewarding, but
        also rigorous and at times exhausting. Pub-
        lic health crises such as the pandemic, cli-
        nician burnout, persistent social and racial
        injustices and health inequities also chal-
        lenge efforts to provide whole person care
        and create a healthier community. Many
        medical students and physicians are in-
        spired by art as a companion to the study
        of medicine and a resource for self-expres-
        sion and finding meaning in their work.
        The American Association of Medical
        Colleges (AAMC) has a comprehensive
        monograph on The Fundamental Role of
        Arts and Humanities in Medical Educa-
        tion (
        me) that provides an in-depth overview of
        the importance of the health humanities
        and art in clinician well-being and under-
        standing of the human condition. In par-
        ticular, art has been found to improve
        visual observation skills, communication
        skills, empathy, reflective skills and toler-
        ance for ambiguity. A core mission of the
        Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics
        (CMHE) at UT Health San Antonio is to
        “nuture empathy and humanitarian values
        to prepare tomorrow’s healers to act with
        compassion and justice.” Art and literature
                                              Rivers and Roots, pen and watercolor
        have this power. The annual CMHE pub-
                                              by Maggie Carroll, Class of 2021, Long School of Medicine, UT Health San Antonio
        lication of a literary and visual arts journal,
        Connective Tissue, allows contributing   Creating art is the way I integrate myself into medicine. By engaging with anatomy on an
        artists and readers of the journal a shared   artistic level, I find myself better able to appreciate the idiosyncrasies of the human body
        human experience through art and creative   as well as deepen my understanding of its complexities. Art feeds the humanistic, creative
        writing.  Here are the artistic works of a   aspect of my personality and thereby allows me to connect more deeply with my patients
        few of our students.                  and coworkers. In a way, it’s the foundation of the work I do on a daily basis.

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