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        obstetrics. “In this one branch of medicine,   tice more challenging than earning their creden-  theirs would be the first medical school of any
        there was no better practical education.”   tials. In a time “female physician” equated to   kind to feature a professor—Elizabeth her-
          La Maternité showed her that medical and   abortionist, patients were hard to recruit.  Pa-  self—devoted to the subject of hygiene.
        social issues were inseparable, particularly in   trons were easier. Ever the institutionalists, Eliz-  Janice Nimura paints these stories as if in
        terms of hygiene and household. It was a phi-  abeth and Emily opened the first hospital staffed   companionship with the Blackwells, perhaps
        losophy she would carry throughout her life.    by women in 1857, the New York Infirmary for   with an overzealous reliance on their own
        Unfortunately, the lesson left her the perma-  Indigent Women and Children.   writings in letters and diaries. “The Doctors
        nent loss of her left eye from an infection of pu-  Decades of medical advancement and social   Blackwell” can be a reader’s challenge (“vale-
        rulent ophthalmia, an aggressive form of   turmoil are portrayed through the eyes and ex-  tudinarian”?) and the principals not especially
        conjunctivitis related to gonorrhea.    periences of the Blackwells. They served both   likeable characters, but stalwart readers will
          For medical school, Emily Blackwell had   the indigent in the Infirmary and their Patrons   find themselves immersed in a pivotal time of
        greater choices and was less selective. She intro-  in private practice until they reach the height   health care and more aware of their heritage
        duced herself to the president of Rush Medical   of their combined efforts: The Woman’s Med-  for the effort.
        College in Chicago. Previously, Emily had dis-  ical College of the New York Infirmary.   All quotes and images from: Nimura, Janice
        tinguished herself attending lectures at Belle-  It was the first school entirely devoted to the   P. “The Doctors Blackwell: How Two Pioneer-
        vue Hospital given by Columbia faculty. “The   medical education of women. The Doctors   ing Sisters Brought Medicine to Women and
        endorsement of the Bellevue Brahmins made   Blackwell ran it under a different and better   Women to Medicine” (2021) W. W. Norton
        all the difference: it was easier for Rush’s leaders   philosophy. Students had to attend for three   & Company. Kindle Edition.
        to act boldly on Emily’s behalf when they could   years instead of the standard two, and would
        point to men of large reputation who had al-  have hands-on lessons. Their course of lectures    David Alex Schulz, CHP is a
        ready done so.”                      would build progressively year to year, rather   community member of the BCMS
          The Doctors Blackwell found opening a prac-  than simply repeating the same material. And   Publications Committee.

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