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         Impacting Recurrence in Non-Muscle

                            Invasive Bladder Cancer

                               Announcement by University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio

                                      In the United States, more than 720,000 people   approved optical imaging agent indicated for use in
                                    are living with bladder cancer, and an estimated   the cystoscopic detection of NMIBC including CIS
                                    83,730 people will be diagnosed this year.  Mays   among patients suspected or known to have lesion(s)
                                    Cancer Center at UT Health San Antonio is now   based on a prior cystoscopy or undergoing surveil-
                                    offering Blue Light Cystoscopy with Cysview® for   lance cystoscopy for carcinoma of the bladder.
                                    improved detection and management of non-muscle   Cysview is instilled in the patient’s bladder at least
                                    invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), including carci-  one hour before the procedure and used with the
                                    noma in situ (CIS) in an outpatient setting.   KARL STORZ Photodynamic Diagnostic system
                                      “Treatment of bladder cancer requires careful,   to perform Blue Light Cystoscopy as an adjunct to
       Bladder image from White     meticulous detail and adherence to surveillance   White Light Cystoscopy.
           Light Cystoscopy         regimens,” said Dr. Robert Svatek, Urologic On-  “Expertise in the management of advanced bladder
                                    cologist at Mays Cancer Center and Chair of Urol-  cancer requires proper timing and coordination of
                                    ogy at UT Health San Antonio. “It requires   multiple treatment modalities available to treat the
                                    diligence in the administration of proper standard-  disease including surgery, radiation therapy and
                                    ized therapy, but treatment regimens must also be   chemotherapy.” To that end, Dr. Svatek has developed
                                    individualized.”                         a collaborative care pathway that provides exceptional
                                      Cystoscopy is the gold standard diagnostic tool for   precision in the pre-operative and post-operative
                                    bladder cancer. Historically, this has been conducted   management of patients with bladder cancer. 
                                    using white light cystoscopy; however, some tumors

                                    may escape detection under white light alone.  To   References:
                                    increase detection and decrease recurrence for pa-  1. National Cancer Institute. SEER Stat Facts: Bladder Can-
       Same Image from Blue Light   tients suffering from bladder cancer, Blue Light Cys-  cer  2017.
       Cystoscopy with /Cysview     toscopy with Cysview is employed.          urinb.html. Accessed January 25, 2019.
                                      “Although it is not a replacement for biopsy, Blue   2. Hermann GG, Mogensen K, Carlsson S, Marcussen N,
                                    Light Cystoscopy with Cysview is an enhanced cys-  Duun S. Fluorescence-Guided Transurethral Resection of
                                    toscopy that helps us identify lesions that may not be   Bladder Tumours Reduces Bladder Tumour Recurrence
                                    visible using white light cystoscopy alone,” said Dr.   Due to Less Residual Tumour Tissue in Ta/T1 Patients:
                                    Svatek. “This advanced approach helps us elevate our   A Randomized Two-Centre Study. BJU Int.
                                    diagnostic capabilities and provide a higher standard
                                                                             3. Daneshmand S et al. Efficacy and safety of blue light flex-
                                    of care for our patients.”
                                                                               ible cystoscopy with Hexaminolevulinate (HAL) in the
                                      During a standard cystoscopy procedure, the blad-
                                                                               surveillance of bladder cancer: A phase III, comparative,
                                    der is examined using white light. During a Blue
                                                                               multi-center study. J Urol. 2017 Dec 2.
                                    Light Cystoscopy with Cysview, both white and blue   4. Cysview [prescribing information]. 2018:1-14. Chang SS,
                                    light are used. Cysview makes tumor cells glow   Boorjian SA, Chou R, et al. Diagnosis and Treatment of
                                    bright pink in blue light, but it is not a dye. It is a   Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: AUA/SUO Guide-
                                    hexyl-ester of aminolevulinic acid that results in an   line. J Urol. 2016;196(4):1021-1029.
                                    increased volume of porphyrins in cells. Unhealthy
                                    cells do not process out the porphyrins as quickly as   Mays Cancer Center is the first and only center in
                                    healthy cells; the resulting accumulation creates a   the region to offer Blue Light Cystoscopy with Cysview®
                                    pink glow in blue light.                 in an outpatient setting for improved detection and
                                      Cysview® (hexaminolevulinate HCl) is an FDA-  management of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.

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