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                                                                         and included a hospital stress score for each.
                                                                          The subcommittee collaborated to share strategies
                                                                         which were successful for our respective health systems.
                                                                         We followed national and state level trends closely and
                                                                         inquired how our local hospitals were being impacted by
                                                                         these trends. For example, how many staff were leaving
                                                                         San Antonio for other opportunities around the coun-
                                                                         try? And how many supplemental staff were being re-
                                                                         ceived by the Texas Department of Health and Human
                                                                          Careful and continuous monitoring of hospital needs,
                                                                         staffing and collaboration between systems allowed the
        TEA (Texas Education Agency), UIL (University Interscholastic
                                                               subcommittee to inform the broader BCMS on its communication
        League) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC),
                                                               and actions on behalf of our members and our patients.
          3) recommendations put forth by the American Academy of Pedi-

        atrics and the Texas Pediatric Society, and
          4) varied special interests, such as special education, insecurities
                                                                 As the taskforce winds down, the question has been posed, “What
        (food, internet access, child care), etc.
                                                               did we accomplish?” Well, our meetings maintained situational aware-
          We were also involved with the local Metro Health preK-12 Con-
                                                               ness of the status of the community response. Through posts on
        sultation Group in an advisory role. I am very proud of the work of
                                                               BCMS social media, The Physicians Link newsletter and articles in
        the members of this subcommittee. This group developed a Pediatric
                                                               San Antonio Medicine magazine, we disseminated information to the
        COVID-19 Symptoms Severity Chart (in both English and Spanish)
                                                               larger society and San Antonio citizens. We were ever ready, waiting
        which was printed in San Antonio Medicine magazine, then elevated
                                                               in the wings should our assistance be needed. Our willingness to serve
        to the state level through the Texas Medical Association (TMA). We
                                                               was tangible evidence of the spirit of service of the Bexar County Med-
        also drafted a position statement on school face-to-face re-openings
                                                               ical Society.
        for BCMS last summer, and worked on a letter to the Governor con-
                                                                 During the last year, the pandemic exposed gaps in health coverage
        cerning the state of education during the pandemic.
                                                               of certain vulnerable groups. Issues of health equity that were actually
          A personal thank you all subcommittee members, as well as staff
                                                               chronic became apparent as the community-wide response developed.
        person extraordinaire, Mrs. Mary Nava.
                                                               Community-wide concerns regarding food insecurity and unmet

        Zeke Silva, MD                                         mental health needs persist.
                                                                 Now we consider where we go from here, as a medical society and
        Hospital and Workforce Subcommittee
                                                               a larger service community.  Many of the unmet needs remain, and
          Policymakers recognized early on that protecting our nation’s health
                                                               the Public Health and Patient Advocacy Committee will continue to
        care infrastructure was a key consideration in fighting the COVID-
                                                               address these issues. Unaddressed needs and health equity issues offer
        19 pandemic. The BCMS COVID Task Force, therefore, included a
                                                               the chance to respond as valued health care leaders to inform and
        Hospital and Workforce subcommittee to monitor our local health
                                                               guide our fellow residents of Bexar County.
        care facility status. The subcommittee was populated with physician
                                                                 I welcome any BCMS members who have an interest in participat-
        leaders from our city’s various hospital systems.
                                                               ing, and extend an open invitation to become more involved.
          The subcommittee monitored local data closely, particularly data
                                                                 In closing, I express my gratitude to all the members of the BCMS
        from the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC) Pan-
                                                               COVID-19 Task Force, the four subcommittee chairs, and all of the
        demic Medical Operations Workgroup, where BCMS had several rep-
                                                               BCMS staff, without whom our efforts would not have been possible.
        resentatives who participated on their calls several times a week. The

        STRAC data was tabulated daily and included specific numbers on
                                                                         John J. Nava, MD was the Chair of this BCMS COVID-
        the number of COVID-19 positive inpatients, new admissions, ICU,
                                                                       19 Task Force and is the current Vice President of the Bexar
        ventilated and ECMO patients. The data was also broken down by
                                                                       County Medical Society.
        hospitals within Bexar County and those outside of Bexar County
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