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          We are the Family of Medicine

                                                                                              bCMS Alliance 2020
                                                                                              leadership: (l-r) Cheryl
                                                                                              Pierce-Szender, Jennifer
                                                                                              Torres, Taylor Frantz,
                                                                                              Aleida Colen, Jenny
                                                                                              Shepherd, Nichole
                                                                                              Eckmann, danielle
                                                                                              Henkes, lori boies, Alyse
                                                                                              Garber Craun, virginia
                                                                                              Profenna, Ryan
                                                                                              Ramos,Jennifer lewis.
                                                                                              Not pictured: Jazmin
                                                                                              Gibbons, Rebecca

          Who are we? We are multi-generational. We are young physician spouses… looking for assurance that the student debt, the moves, the
        long hours will someday ease. We’re business owners with active kids… looking for camaraderie among those who “get it” — who under-
        stand the dynamics of the physician family and why we’re often shuttling kids or attending events as a single parent. We’re empty-nesters…
        looking to re-define ourselves and find meaningful ways to reach out to one another and our community. And we’re those approaching or
        past retirement… looking for opportunities to encourage and mentor the younger generations with the wisdom earned through years of
        service. Who are we? We are the Family of Medicine.

          Where are we going? We’ll continue to reach out to the county’s neediest neighborhoods, bringing programs like TMA’s Hard Hats for
        little Heads and be Wise Immunize. We’ll look for new opportunities to partner with others who reach out and address issues like teen preg-
        nancy, homelessness, AIdS, food insecurity, sex trafficking. We’ll continue to have fun together. We’ll have Sips & dips, book club, lunch
        bunch but add more family-centered, kid-friendly events and learning opportunities. We’ll advocate for the physician-patient relationship in
        new ways. We’ll find fresh ways to honor our 100+ years of traditions. Where we’re going is shaped by every one of us, by our diverse expe-
        riences, passions and skills. We are the Family of Medicine – our ability to positively impact each other and our community is limitless.
                                                                               Danielle Hilliard Henkes, 2020 BCMSA President

           Connect with us on Facebook:
           Check out our website:

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