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development tactics, we create a  FINANCIAL ADVISOR  you achieve your financial goals.  advice, and customized solutions
             plan tailored to your needs!                         Join the nearly 7 million investors  in cash management, lending,
             Michal Waechter, Owner                               who know. Contact me to de-  investments, insurance, and trust
             (210) 913-4871                                       velop an investment strategy that  services.
                           makes sense for you.      Josh Collins
             “YOUR goals, YOUR timeline,  Elizabeth Olney with Edward Jones   Elizabeth Olney   SVP, Global Wealth Executive
             YOUR success.  Let’s grow your  ( Gold Sponsor)   Financial Advisor         210-370-6194
             practice together”        We learn your individual needs so  (210) 493-0753
                                       we can develop a strategy to help   Mary Mahlie
                                       you achieve your financial goals.  SVP, Private Banking
             COMMERCIAL PROPERTY       Join the nearly 7 million investors  beth-olney      210-370-6029
             MANAGMENT                 who know. Contact me to develop  "Making Sense of Investing"
                                       an investment strategy that makes                    Mark Menendez
                                       sense for you.             Avid Wealth Partners      SVP, Wealth Financial Advisor
                                       Elizabeth Olney, Financial Advisor   (HH Silver Sponsor)  210-370-6134
                                       (210) 493-0753             The only financial firm that works
             Investment Realty Company, L.C.   like physicians, for physicians, to
             (HHH Gold Sponsor)  bring clarity and confidence in an  "Creating Opportunities"
             We act as Trusted Advisors lever-  olney             age of clutter and chaos. You de-
             aging our expertise as we assist  "Making Sense of Investing"   serve to be understood and well-
             Physicians in making the best                        served by a team that's   HEALTHCARE CONSULTING
             commercial real estate decisions  FINANCIAL SERVICES  committed to helping you avidly
             for their practices whether it's                     pursue the future you want, and
             leasing, purchase or asset ac-                       that's our difference.
             quisiton.                                            Eric Kala CFP®, CIMA®, AEP®,
             Connie P. Raub                                       CLU®, CRPS®               CareAllies
             Executive V. Pres., Broker Associ-  Bertuzzi-Torres Wealth Manage-  Founder & Wealth Management  (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor)
             ate Realtor               ment Group                 Advisor                   CareAllies works side-by-side
             210.314.7838              ( Gold Sponsor)         210.446.5752              with health care providers to ac-
     We specialize in simplifying your  celerate the transition to value-
             Joanne Vollmer Mirelez, CCIM,  personal and professional life. We  based care, helping improve the
             MHA,                      are dedicated wealth managers  “Plan it.  Do it.  Avid Wealth”  quality, value and experience of
             Broker Associate Realtor  who offer diverse financial solu-                    care for patients and make health
             210.314.7843              tions for discerning healthcare  HEALTHCARE BANKING  care better for everyone.
     professionals, including asset pro-               Sabrina Moreno, Network
             Miranda Rihn, Associate Realtor  tection, lending and estate plan-             Operations Senior Manager
             210.642.5429              ning.                                                (713) 437-3088 X 523088
     Mike Bertuzzi            Amegy Bank of Texas
     First Vice President Senior Finan-  ( Gold Sponsor)
             Expect Extensive research, inno-  cial Advisor       We believe that any great
             vative solutions, value added  210-278-3828          relationship starts with five core  “For Better Health and Better
             services, unparalleled service."  values:  Attention, Accountability,  Business”
                                       Ruth Torres                Appreciation, Adaptability and
             DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING        Financial Advisor          Attainability. We work hard and  HOSPITALS/ HEALTHCARE
                                       210-278-3828               together with our clients to   SERVICES
                                      accomplish great things.
                               Jeanne Bennett
                                                                  EVP | Private Banking Manager
                                                                  210 343 4556
             Touchstone Medical Imaging                   Warm Springs Medical Center
             (HHH Gold Sponsor)                                   Karen Leckie                 Thousand Oaks
             To offer patients and physicians                     Senior Vice President   Private     Westover Hills
             the highest quality outpatient  Aspect Wealth Management  Banking              (HHH Gold Sponsor)
              imaging services, and to support  (HHH Gold Sponsor)  210.343.4558            Our mission is to serve people with
             them with a deeply instilled work  We believe wealth is more than  disabilities by providing compas-
             ethic of personal service and   money, which is why we improve  Robert Lindley  sionate, expert care during the re-
             integrity.                and simplify the lives of our clients,  Senior Vice President   Private  habilitation process, and support
             Caleb Ross                granting them greater satisfaction,  Banking         recovery through education and
             Area Marketing Manager    confidence and freedom to   210.343.4526             research.
             972-989-2238              achieve more in life.  Central referral line
     Jeffrey Allison    Denise C. Smith           210-592-5350
             Angela Shutt              210-268-1530               Vice President | Private Banking  “Joint Commission COE.”
             Area Operations Manager  210.343.4502
             512-915-5129      Methodist Healthcare System
     “Get what you deserve …  (HH Silver Sponsor)
     maximize your Social      “Community banking partnership”  Palmire Arellano
             "Touchstone Imaging provides  Security benefit!”                               210-575-0172
             outpatient radiology services to                                     
             the San Antonio community."
                                                                  BBVA Compass
                                       Elizabeth Olney with       (HHH Gold Sponsor)
                                       Edward Jones               We are committed to fostering
                                       ( Gold Sponsor)         our clients’ confidence in their
                                       We learn your individual needs so  financial future through
                                       we can develop a strategy to help  exceptional service, proactive
                                                                                                      continued on page 44
                                                                                               visit us at  43
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