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        mortality following either the influenza per se, or some of its char-  answer my purpose; the more drugs I use the more patients will die;
        acteristic sequelae.                                   the more I don’t use the more will live.”
          There is no question in our mind that we must look forward to see-
                                                                 Dr. Bailey, of Germantown, PA: “Unlike the former speaker,
        ing a decided increase in kidney and heart lesions, a marked increase  somehow or other I am still holding on to the drugs. We will have
        in tuberculosis and other complications – and how to become pre-  cases of grippe this year. I have found out that I could more or less
        pared to meet a new epidemic is a question that looms up before our  tell when my patients are going to have pneumonia. Watch the pulse
        vision in an importance – how to prevent, as far as possible, a new  diminishing, and as soon as it is found, I throw my nitroglycerin;
        influenza outbreak and spread – how to obtain the largest percentage  the next, I watch the result of my treatment. I have an idea that the
        of recoveries, following attacks of the disease – these are all pressing  liver plays a very important part and I believe that that is where we
        problems of the moment, to engage the serious thought of the best  get a great deal of our poisons manufactured. When it comes on to
        members of the professions; and now is the time for this task to  the point where you have been able to check your pneumonia con-
        begin, so that its better solution may be reached and preparedness  ditions, you have easy sailing. This thing about keeping the patient
        against what may await us in the future be the more assured.
                                                               cold – when your are cold you are dead, and when you are hot your
                                                               are alive;  when you throw the windows open the cold winter air
                                                               comes in and the patient gets cold. Put a thermometer in the room
          Discussion opened by Dr. G.W. Bowles, of York, PA, as follows:  and fresh air, but keep the temperature about 60 degrees.”
        “There are one or two classes of influenza; one is gastro-intestinal
        type. I am of the opinion that the influenza epidemic we have ex-  D.A. Bethea, MD, of Terre Haute, Ind.: “I like the thoughts
        perienced recently is only a certain intensified form of the regular  brought out that all of us have brought out along these lines of
        influenza. The best way that I could state for a patient’s treatment  treatment. There is a doctor in my state who has as large a practice
        is to treat the complications before they occur. Upon the first symp-  as anybody in the state. He said that one reason why no more col-
        tom, jump right on him as though he has pneumonia. After that the  ored people die from this disease is becase they get plenty of air,
        nervous type almost invariably recovers. During the whole epidemic  because of the construction of their nose which enables them to
        I only lost two patients. The most serious and the most fatal type is  breathe more air than any other people. That might seem a little
        the pulmonary type. After all, the secret of your success is, holding  simple, but I have been thinking about it and I am inclined to believe
        on to the patient until the ninth day.”                there is something in it. The next point along the line of treatment.
                                                               My treatment is different from others, but I have gotten results. I
          E.A. Carter, MD, of Buxton, Iowa: “First I wish to compliment  don’t like the idea of quinine doses. Sometimes a blister does good.
        the writer on the paper for the scope in writing and reading. I want  No matter how old fashioned a remedy may be, get results.”
        to take some issue with some of the things in the discussion. It was
        my privilege to use vaccine both as a prophylactic agent and as a  Dr. Bowser, of Richmond, VA: “I listened to the papers with a
        curative; yet I believe one of the potent factors is absolute rest in  great deal of pleasure. Have had cases of this kind last winter. This
        bed. I could not agree with blistering the patient; for the cure would  pneumonia-grippe was not characteristic of lobar pneumonia, it is
        be almost as bad as the pain itself.”                  septicemia pneumonia. I don’t see that we have anything to blister
                                                               for. In Richmond, too, we had grippe last year; and in my work I
          Dr. Boyle, of Maryland: “It was not the influenza that we con-
                                                               had some 600 cases; I had a charge of one of the pneumonia wards
        tended with in the times past. I do not believe that it is the concensus  – had a very good success with patients. In none of my wards was
        of opinion that it was. As for digitalis, it would do the heart no good
                                                               the blister used. I was hoping that the writer would bring out the
        at all. This blistering, of course, we could get rid of by using codeine  idea of the septicemia grippe.”
        sulphate; but if we make trouble ourselves we will kill out patient.”
                                                                 Dr. Johnson, of South Carolina: “I wish to emphasize the vaccine
          Dr. C.W. Childs, of Washington, DC: “I have been practicing med-  part of it. In treating this disease many of the patients get sick from
        icine about twenty-five years; I believe that influenza is an intensified  pure nervousness. At the time I think you can do a good thing by
        form of the old time grip, given the name of Spanish Influenza for  using a little phophylactic vaccine.”
        the purpose of making money. I had a large number of patients, and
        not one of mine died, not because I was a mighty powerful doctor,  Dr. Bracken closed the discussion as follows: “You can use a drug
        but because my patients were too tough to die. You keep on treating  for one patient, and use the same drug for another, and it just the
        them; you can’t cure them, but nature will take care of the matter.  same as if you have not given any medicine. Some times I use ice
        Codeine is a powerful drug and seems to make you unconscious of  pack, but not very often. If I had a very big strapping fellow I used
        the pain. I believe my patients got well because I knew how to ‘don’t’.  ice, because I thought he was big enough to stand it. Concerning
        Don’t give the patient digitalis until you find out that the heart is flag-  the septic variety of pneumonia which we find – some said we had
        ging, and the patient will do well. Ice will do a world of good and  a catarrhal form and some of the gastric form, but I used the symp-
        keep that temperature down; keep the patients quiet; don’t give too  tomatical treatment. I had 1,500 cases and lost 9.”
        many drugs. I have tried them all, and about a dozen of them will

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