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        My Coronavirus


        By Leon Ghitis, MD

          I am writing this at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic,  ner, you would give up a large part of the compensation in the form
        one of the greatest challenges human civilization has ever seen,  of bonus and shares in the company, but you were free to work as
        where probably millions of people will be affected and hundreds  much or as little as you wanted, with no obligations and relatively
        of thousands of lives will be lost. I hope we survive it and that soon  low compensation. As a partner, depending on the age, you would
        we may easily diagnose it, measure immunity, have some type of ef-  be required to take call and sign for a minimum period in order to
        fective treatment, and a vaccine available.            qualify for the shares and the bonus opportunity.
          Before the holocaust, where millions of people were killed by hu-  It was a very difficult decision for me to make. I enjoyed my prac-
        mans, of them 6 million Jews, my maternal and paternal grandpar-  tice very much. I had been privileged and over the years I had en-
        ents had a good life in the “old country”.  Everything around them  joyed a very nice "gourmet" practice;  I worked only with the
        suddenly collapsed. They made the decision to flee from Europe to  surgeons I liked and kept a decent schedule of hours. After going
        Colombia at the end of 1938 saving their lives but leaving and  back and forth for weeks, my decision was to go legacy, as a pre-
        knowing that other family members would perish.        liminary step to retirement and sacrifice a significant amount of
          In 1978 in Colombia, under totally different circumstances, 40  money for the sake of a good quality of life with family and espe-
        years after my grandparents came to Colombia from Europe, my  cially with my grandchildren.
        wife and I decided to make the move from Colombia to the US,  Initially, I was working once or twice a week, then once a week
        looking for better opportunities and a safer place for us and our 2  or once every two weeks, and eight weeks ago I stopped working
        children. I had just finished medical school and the situation in  completely. I thought it was a great decision. The stock market was
        Colombia started to get difficult and dangerous with the rise of  doing great, and I had more time for myself and time to enjoy my
        Narco-trafficking. Fortunately, I was able to meet the medical re-  family and friends.
        quirements to come to the US and, after my Anesthesia training in  Then, the COVID-19 came into our lives as a surprise: the stock
        Houston, my family and I moved to San Antonio in 1982. I started  market collapsed, and we are facing a very scary situation that we
        my private practice with a small group of anesthesiologists.  don't know how and when is going to end. It feels as if our world
          In 1997, my partners and I decided that with a consolidation of  is collapsing around us again. We lost our freedoms to live normal
        smaller anesthesia groups into a big one, we could function more  lives and to see family and friends. The number of people getting
        efficiently, provide better service, and decrease our operating ex-  sick is exponentially growing and the economy of the USA and the
        penses. After multiple exhausting meetings with lawyers, several  whole world is collapsing.
        groups merged.  We founded Star Anesthesia which became the  In the meantime we, my wife and I, are doing the most we can
        largest Anesthesia group in the city.                  with physical, social distancing, so that we minimize the risks and
          The integration was interesting and challenging, because each  help flatten the curve so that in the event any of us gets sick, it
        group or division had their own way of practicing. Some groups  would not be at the peak of the curve and we would hope to get
        worked the old-fashioned way where anesthesiologists followed  appropriate treatment without restrictions.
        their surgeons around to different hospitals, others were basically  Even though I stopped working and soon will be 70 years old, I
        hospital based, and others functioned both ways. Slowly, we ex-  have decided not to resign from the company and to maintain my
        panded our anesthesia group in the city.               active privileges, so in the event this pandemic gets to an extreme
          Around a year ago, Star Anesthesia group started talking about a  situation and my services are needed, I can go back and help.
        possible sale of the practice. Finally, at the beginning of September
        of 2019, Star was acquired by USAP. We were offered two different  Leon Ghitis, MD is an Anesthesiologist in Bexar County and a member
        options: Remain as a Partner (either full-time or part-time) or be-  of  the Bexar County Medical Society.
        come a "legacy member" and work as a contractor. As a legacy part-

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