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          PANDEMIC                   Responding to Those Who Ignore Social Distancing
                                     continued from page 25

        directly responsible for the spread of COVID-19 in their respective  distancing orders are more likely to be followed when there is par-
        communities. Demonizing and admonishing the behaviors of one  ticipation and buy-in from the community.  Encourage people to
        group of people while simultaneously promoting a different narra-  be stakeholders in their own health and the health of their neigh-
        tive surrounding identical behavior performed by other groups is un-  borhoods to foster the flourishing of productive behaviors during
        fair, dangerous, and a tributary to the cycle of bias and discrimination  this pandemic and beyond.
        that pervades medicine and society.                      Entreat neighbors to hold other neighbors accountable rather
          Defiance of social distancing is a widespread obstacle perpetrated  than threatening police involvement. Encourage the placement of
        by individuals of all creeds, colors, and nationalities. Whether it’s  pre-printed or custom-made lawn signs, which can be used to show
        encroaching upon the six feet barrier or failing to wear a face mask  support and unity in shared struggle and triumph. If you or your
        in public, as Texas and other states begin to reopen, it is inevitable  neighbor has a mask-making kit or the necessary supplies to sew
        that we will soon observe an increase in the number of people  fabric masks, make masks for neighbors who may need one and
        whose public performance violates measures to prevent COVID-  leave it on their doorstep. Free instructions and sewing patterns are
        19 spread. This behavior is problematic, regardless of who the of-  widely available online. And last, but certainly not least, model ap-
        fenders are. In place of admonition of these offenders, we could  propriate behavior. Whether it is taking a walk around the block
        position them as the subjects of our concern. Demonstrating com-  with a face mask on or having a chat from a recommended mini-
        passion and concern for another’s wellbeing is more likely to result  mum distance of at least 6 feet, visible adherence to social distancing
        in a favorable outcome.                                guidelines encourages community backing of these policies.
                                                                 It is easy to become frustrated with people who exhibit noncha-
           Rather than adopting a “do as I say” approach, join  lance about preventing the spread of COVID-19, potentially pro-
           forces with communities to make the fight against   longing the return of life as we once knew it. Nonetheless, we must
           COVID-19 collaborative.                             fight the urge to belittle and instead respond with unbiased empathy
                                                               and a spirit of collaboration, the true catalysts of change.
          Fighting COVID-19 at the community level necessitates that
        members of the community have ownership and investment in the  Brittany R Johnson, MPH, MS is a DO Candidate, Class of  2023, at
        health promotion and prevention activities that target them. Social  the University of  the Incarnate Word Medical School.

         26  San Antonio Medicine   •  June 2020
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