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          Responding to Those Who Ignore

                      Social Distancing Orders

                                                By Brittany Johnson, MS, MPH

          In late April, as COVID-19 continued to spread throughout the  everyone, for some, the call to isolate can be uniquely confounded
        United States, a video emerged showing an alleged gathering of  by a harmful domestic environment. If you know someone who
        hundreds of attendees congregating at a house party. The city’s  seems to unnecessarily defy stay-at-home orders, ask them “what
        mayor subsequently rebuked the partygoers, calling the celebration  makes it so challenging for you to stay home during this time?” and
        “foolish and reckless.”  The governor similarly condemned the at-  offer help or counsel based upon the information received. If the
        tendees for putting themselves and their families in danger.  In the  isolation is triggering someone’s feelings of loneliness and depres-
        midst of a global pandemic, where an infectious disease can be easily  sion, for example, it may work to engage them in virtual games via
        transmitted through close contact, it is not hard to imagine why bla-  social media or offer to host a virtual party on a video conferencing
        tant violations of social distancing orders would elicit widespread  app like Zoom or Skype. If the cause is that someone’s food re-
        contempt and ire.                                      sources are bland or scarce, consider referring them to the area food
          While the urgency of social distancing cannot be denied, we have  bank, church, or even purchase a contactless delivery meal to be
        a choice in how we “sell the danger” to violators. Be-           sent to their residence. These contactless services are
        rating those who neglect precautions to prevent                       currently being offered by many pizza chains and
        the spread of COVID-19 is more often than                                delivery services like Grubhub and Door
        not incompatible with inducing behav-                                      Dash. No-contact delivery is also avail-
        ioral change. People tend to respond                                         able for flowers, groceries, and pre-
        better to empathy.                                                             scription medications. Assume that
          If  your  family  or  friends  are                                            violations of social distancing are
        leaving their homes frivolously,                                                 a consequence of a solvable issue,
        try to uncover why and respond                                                    and if you are able to, help fill
        to that problem.                                                                  that void. Health behavior may
          Follow-up  stories  to  the                                                     not be an extension of a char-
        above-mentioned  large  party                                                     acter flaw, but rather a manifes-
        revealed that the host initiated                                                  tation of one’s social condition.
        the gathering in memory of two                                                    If we treat the social condition,
        friends he lost to gun violence.                                                  the behavioral change may fol-
        Grief, rather than indifference to                                               low.
        people’s  health  or  public  policy,
        was the root of this gathering.                                                When strangers violate the
          Sometimes, when rushing to judg-                                           tenets of social distancing,
        ment concerning those who violate social                                   keep a consistent approach, and
        distancing  policies,  the  bigger  picture  is                          cloak it in compassion.
        missed. People and governments can overlook
        the issues that drive people to seemingly violate edicts.          Subsequent reporting and public discourse about this
        In some communities, people’s personal actions can be driven by  house party attempted to correlate non-compliance to policy with
        an unstable home life, food insecurity, mental illness, loneliness, fi-  stereotypes of those who seem to be more susceptible to COVID-
        nancial insecurity, and/or a host of other complexities. Before being  19. It seems to be human nature for people to dismiss events based
        able to change actions, it is necessary to acknowledge the underlying  upon unfair or incomplete knowledge. Consider the media coverage
        conditions that push violators towards the undesirable, even risky,  regarding the recent wave of protestors who have begun to gather
        public conduct.                                        en masse to demand reopening of the economy and lifting stay at
          Under the CDC’s tips for social distancing, there is a recommen-  home orders. Much of the verbiage assigned to these occurrences
        dation to “avoid gatherings of any size outside [of] your household,  focuses on political affiliations, impact on the economy, and other
        such as a friend’s house, parks, restaurants, shops, or any other  motivations driving the protests. There are no clandestine or outright
        place.”  While staying home is certainly inconvenient for nearly  slogans that the protestors’ violations of social distancing orders are
                                                                                                   continued on page 26
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