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PANDEMIC EXERCISE Like Your Life Depended On It
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ing physicians also said that they run. There is a good reason for to read
this. Research has proven that regular exercise and running in par- e m a i l s ,
ticular – about 30 minutes a day, five times per week – has important and park-
health benefits. Studies have shown that running can help prevent ing in the
obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, farthest
and a host of other conditions. (1) spot from
Running can also improve emotional and mental quality of life. the hospi-
In a 2006 article entitled: Is Exercise a Viable Treatment for Depression?, tal or gro-
researchers found that just 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill cery store.
could instantly lift the mood of someone suffering from a major O t h e r
depressive disorder. Other studies have linked both walking and tips in-
running to improved sleep quality, mood, and concentration during clude enlisting the entire team at work to participate in an exercise
the day. A recent systematic review of 28 separate articles relating challenge, with fun rewards for those accomplishing their goals. Vir-
exercise and sleep quality suggested that sleep and exercise exert tual runs, lap counts in the pool or minutes on an elliptical are some
substantial positive effects on each other, with exercise increasing examples. Finding an exercise buddy and holding one another ac-
REM sleep, sleep continuity and sleep efficiency. (2,3) countable, at work at home or in the neighborhood, is also effective.
I have always been surprised at the sense of wellbeing that I get ‘Start where you are’ is a quote some attribute to Teddy Roosevelt.
in those hours after a run. In his book Mindful Running, Mackenzie It accurately sums up the approach to starting an exercise program
Havey recounts the experience of ultramarathoner Timothy Olson: or progressing to new goals in an existing one. Small goals within
“It’s about being in the present moment on the run, connecting with goals for frequency, duration, distance, and intensity, lead to success
your breath and your senses and enjoying movement not based and sustained activity. Remember the four basic types of exercise:
upon results, times or feelings. I focus on my breath and the rising cardiovascular, resistance, balance, and flexibility. Try enjoyable ac-
and falling of my body and the thoughts, feelings and emotions that tivities in each category for long-term health benefits, variety and
arise, but I don’t try to get rid of them. I stay curious. It’s as simple to avoid getting into an exercise rut.
as that”. I have only rarely experienced the classic “runner’s high” The current COVID-19 pandemic has prompted an unprece-
and there are certainly times that my body hurts both during and dented level of stress, uncertainty, fear and isolation throughout the
after a run, but regardless, the mental benefits are what always pro- population; however, it has impacted our physicians and other
vide the lift for me, both in the short and long term. healthcare providers especially hard. For the cost of a good set of
Great exercise options come in many other flavors as well. Some running shoes or a yoga mat, and a little investment of time, you
might prefer the yoga mat, the Peloton bike, or the community pool can open up a world of physical, mental and emotional benefits to
or martial arts studio (as social distancing is relaxed). HIIT (High last a lifetime.
Intensity Interval Training) may be especially efficient with sustained Exercise truly is medicine; and this is one case in which it’s more
calorie expenditure after the actual exercise, and shows promise for than OK to self-prescribe!!
weight loss, insulin sensitivity, and appetite control. (5)
Scheduling time for exercise can be hard for some in a busy pro- Dr Jon Courand is a Pediatric Hospitalist and Assistant Dean of Wellbeing
fessional routine. This is understandable. It may be due to the per- in GME at the University of Texas Health in San Antonio. He is a long-
ception that in a busy schedule, there’s no extra time for morning time runner. His favorite run is along the San Antonio river from the Pearl
or evening exercise. It may be a factor of procrastination, thinking Brewery Complex to the Blue Star art complex and Southtown.
‘I’ll get to it’ but that day keeps getting pushed back. Some people
Dr Ajeya Joshi is an Orthopedic Spine Surgeon at South Texas Spinal
might perceive that you need a special place or specific equipment.
The next time you feel burdened because there are still 20 en- Clinic. A Diplomate of the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine, he promotes
population health using lifestyle measures at Hill Country Lifestyle Medicine
counters from clinic time to document in the EMR, it’s been a de-
manding overnight shift in the MICU, or there is a talk to prepare, Center. He also enjoys running, and is a yoga practitioner as well.
the next most logical thing to do… is go for a run, or a swim, or a
yoga session! These activities will probably lead to better focus and References
a method to help declutter and reduce the ‘to do’ list efficiently. 1. Alison Wade, Half of Young Doctors are Runners, Runner’s World, Jan. 2015.
2. Blumenthal et al. Is Exercise a Viable Treatment for Depression? ACSM
Task pairing is a useful strategy most recognizable to us in the
Health Fit J. 16(4) 14-21, July/August 2012.
form of academic hospital rounds. The team walks from patient
3. Dolezal, C Cooper et al. Interrelationship between Sleep and Exercise:
room to patient room and floor to floor, often with the help of
A Systematic Review, Adv Pre Med 2017: 2017: 5979510.
gravity, but perhaps taking stairs to go upward on occasion for ‘re-
4. Mackenzie Harvey, Mindful Running, How meditative running can im-
verse-gravity rounds’ would lead to more built-in exercise during prove performance, and make you a happier, more fulfilled person.
the day. Corporate teams routinely conduct walking meetings. Bloomsbury, Oct 2017.
Other places to pair tasks include getting on the treadmill at home 5.
18 San Antonio Medicine • June 2020