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        Cloth Masks:

        Public Defense

        Against COVID-19


        By John Menchaca, MD

          In December 2019, a novel form of the coronavirus family was
        first detected in a group of residents in the city of Wuhan, China,
        that initially presented with fever and cough, followed later by severe
        respiratory distress. At first, these patients were thought to have had
        close contact with bats that were being sold at the Hunan Seafood
        Market, but Zhang et al reported that only 8 of the 221 patients
        had any contact with the market. 1,2  In another report, JF-W Chan
        et al reported on several family clusters in the same city to suggest  There were two countries outside of China that, despite the
        a human-to-human transmission. In the ensuing weeks of January  paucity of evidence of masks being effective in preventing the
        and February 2020, the disease became widespread throughout  transmission of the virus, chose to mandate mass cloth mask usage
        many of the Asian countries and later on into European countries  in public places where social spacing was not possible or practical
        and the United States.                                 – South Korea and Chechnya. On the other hand, Italy and Austria
          Initial recommendations from both the World Health Organiza-  chose not to mandate masks. The two countries that mandated
        tion (WHO) and Centers for Diseases Control (CDC) specified only  masks had dramatic lower rates of transmission. 8
        social spacing (six feet), frequent hand washing and cleansing of  Incorporating the basic physiological behavior of viral droplets
        surfaces that might be reservoirs of the viruses. 4,5  Cloth masks,  and aerosols in public places with the fact that patients who were
        used by the general public at risk for the coronavirus infection, were  already infected but not showing any signs of disease may be already
        discouraged because they were thought to be ineffective in prevent-  shedding the viruses by their simply breathing without coughing or
        ing the spread of the virus.  In addition to the absence of controlled  sneezing, brings up a very difficult disease management dilemma;
        studies to evaluate the effectiveness of the masks, two other argu-  how to manage these asymptomatic patients? Extensive testing and
        ments were mentioned; usage of the masks would compromise the  contact tracing only symptomatic patients will obviously miss many
        already inadequate supply for healthcare personnel and, there were  of the asymptomatic ones who are just as infectious as the symp-
        a few  studies on masks that suggested only a marginal effect on the  tomatic ones.
        transmission rates of avian and seasonal influenza and obviously  The obvious solution is to consider universal, general public mask
        none for the COVID-19 virus.                           usage when in public places. Cloth masks worn by infected persons,
          During the early weeks of the pandemic, there were two studies  asymptomatic or symptomatic, will trap the droplets before they are
        that further complicated the original recommendations of social  released into the immediate air space, thereby preventing the virus
        spacing and handwashing. 6,7  Bourouiba, et al, demonstrated that  from spreading any further. Greenhalgh, et al, further expounded
        droplets and aerosols (dried airborne residues from the droplets),  on the “precautionary principle” that in the absence of definitive
        produced by coughing and sneezing, could actually travel as far as  results from controlled studies and the fact that we are dealing with
        twenty five feet. Furthermore, they showed that the aerosols may  a very dangerous illness, it is reasonable to proceed with universal
        persist in the air for two-to-three hours, especially in areas with poor  usage of masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections. In
        air circulation.                                       their most recent updates, both the World Health Organization and

         16  San Antonio Medicine   •  June 2020
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