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        Centers for Disease Control now support universal masking
        when  in  public  places  to  help  control  the  COVID-19
        pandemic. 10,11  From a medico-legal basis, both the Texas Med-
        ical Association and Texas Medical Board agree. 12,13
          In authoritarian countries such as China and Russia, manda-
        tory mask usage is readily accomplished by fiat or threat of
        punishment, if needed. Mandating in countries such as the
        United States, where individual liberties are immensely valued,
        is more problematic. For example, the reported failure to use
        masks is less than 2% of Chinese people, while it is 60-70% in
        the United States. 14  In summary, it is reasonable to think that
        universal masking is necessary to prevent transmission of the
        COVID-19 virus in the United States, but it will be very diffi-
        cult to assure adequate public cooperation for it to succeed.

          John Menchaca, MD is board certified in Pediatrics and in Pediatric
        Nephology, and is a member of  the Bexar County Medical Society.

        1  Zhou,P Nature 2020 : 579 (7798) 270-273.  A pneumonia
           outbreak associated with a novel coronavirus of probable bat ori-
           gin.                                                    EXERCISE
        2  Zhang J Clin Virology 2020 vol 127 p104364. Clinical fea-
           tures and short term outcomes of 221 patients with Covid-19 in
           Wuhan, China.
        3  JF-W Chan et. al. Lancet 2020; Feb. (10223) 514—523. A family  Like Your Life
           cluster of 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person
          transmission – a study of a family cluster.
        4  World Health Organization Public Advice April 6, 2020. Masks  Depended On It
           helpful for “source control “—prevents an infected person from
           passing on the virus.                                   By Jon Courand, MD and Ajeya Joshi, MD
        5  Messonnier, N. Director of Center for the National Center for
           Immunization and Respiratory Diseases January 30,2020 Press
           Briefing.                                                 This article, about exercise as great medicine, is the first of
        6  Bourouiba,  L.:  JAMA  published  online  March  26,  2020.  six articles planned for upcoming issues of San Antonio Medicine.
           Doi:10.1001/JAMA.2020.4756. Turbulent Gas Clouds and Res-  Each  article  focuses  on  a  different  foundational  area  of
           piratory Pathogens Emissions Potential Implications for Reducing
           Transmission of Covid –19.                              “Lifestyle as Medicine: Exercise, Diet, Sleep, Stress Manage-
        7  Setti, L.: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020 17, 2932.  ment, Avoiding Risky Substances, and Connectedness.” They
        8  Greenhalgh,   T   and   Howard,J.:   Downloaded   from  follow last month’s article ‘Swimming Lessons for the Greater
  Masks for All?  The  Good’ which framed the need for self-care now more than ever.
           science says Yes.                                         For as long as I (JAC) can remember, I have enjoyed running.
        9  Greenhalgh, T. et. al.:  BMJ 2020 ;369: m1435. Face Masks for  There is a certain aspect of running that is more a meditation
           the public during the covid-19 crisis.                  in motion than exercise, and while I enjoy all the physical ben-
        10 World Health Organization advisory dated 6 April 2020. Advice
           on the use of masks in  the context of Covid -9.        efits, I think I value the mental aspects even more.  As a trained
        11 CDC Coronavirus Disease Covid-19 updated May 4, 2020.   pediatric intensivist and now hospitalist, I know that during
        12 Texas Medical Association website Covid -19 Resources,  Queried  those times of high stress in my life, I have always found relief
           May 7, 2020.                                            by lacing up my running shoes and heading over to my favorite
        13 Texas Medical Board web site Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19)  trail or track.
           Response,  Queried May7, 2020.                            I am not alone.  In an article written in Runners World, ap-
        14 Clements,   JM:   Downloaded    from    http://         proximately 50 percent of surveyed physicians under the age
   Knowledge and Behavior  of 40 said that they run, the most popular leisure activity for
           toward Covid-19 among US Residents During the Early Days of
           the Pandemic: Online Questionnaire.                     that age group.  Even for those over 60, a quarter of respond-
                                                                                                   continued on page 18
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