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                                                                                                   IN REVIEW

        A few of the numerous comments we have received are:

          “We are really desperate for gloves   “We have opened up another de-     Since March, over 275,000 pieces of PPE
        (nonsterile). Our normal vendors are   partment of our practice and are hav-  have been distributed through our PPE
        telling us they are backordered. And   ing to use more PPE for employees   project. The impact to the physicians and
        those you can purchase have gone up   and patients who do not have the ap-  their practices has made a huge difference in
                                                                                 keeping the medical community and our
        more than 600%. It is so frustrating! I   propriate masks. Thank you for your
                                                                                 community safe.
        thank you all again for always coming   continued help.”
                                                                                   If you are still in need of PPE, please visit
        through for us small practices! You all
                                                                                 the BCMS COVID-19 Resources page and
        have been a life saver.”               “This PPE has been a life-saver!
                                                                                 click on the Request PPE button on the left-
                                             Thank you!”
                                                                                 hand side, or click the link in The Physicians
          “Thank you for providing us the                                        Link, BCMS’ electronic newsletter.
        opportunity to receive PPE as we       “Thank you for supporting our       BCMS is committed to serving our physi-
        struggle to take care of patients dur-  medical community!”              cians, not only through the PPE Project but
        ing this pandemic while protecting                                       with all the other services available to our
        ourselves. It is much appreciated.”    “Thank you for coordinating these   members! If you have a need, please let us
                                             donations. The masks are less neces-  know. We are here for you! Thank you for
          “Thank you for all of your dona-   sary (although desired as we are    being a BCMS member and making a differ-
                                             reusing standard surgical masks and
        tions; they have made a difference in                                    ence in your patients’ lives and our community.
                                             have no N95/KN95 available). The
        our practice.”
                                             biggest need is gloves which are in           Melody Newsom is the Chief Op-

                                             short supply and are needed for proper      erating Officer for BCMS and the
          “We are so appreciative of the assis-
                                             patient care. Trying to find items          staff liaison to the BCMS Emer-
        tance; we are seeing many more
                                             through our usual distributors is           gency Preparedness Committee. She
        sick/exposed children every day.”    harder with each order. Thank you   has been with BCMS since October 1999.

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