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           IN REVIEW

        COVID-19 Survivor Stories

        It is a Lonely Virus                                                               By Cindy & Patricia (sisters)

        Patricia’s story
          It was Tuesday, June 9th. I developed a
        headache, but didn’t think anything of it,
        since I suffer from migraines anyway. Tylenol
        wouldn’t even touch my pain. The headache
        continued through Wednesday and Thurs-
        day, along with a slight sore throat and a
        light dry cough. I developed a low-grade
        fever of 99.5. Even with these signs, I still
        didn’t think it was COVID. The symptoms
        were so subtle!
          Because I was working from home that
        week, I was able to keep to myself.  I was
        scheduled to work in the office the following
        week, when on Friday the 12th, I woke up
        feeling worse. Since I work for one of the hos-
        pital systems, we had a hotline number we
        could call if we had symptoms. I called the
        number that morning and had an appoint-
        ment that afternoon to get tested.  I still
        didn’t think it was COVID. But just to be
        careful, I quarantined myself. My mask was
        on at all times and I didn’t leave the room un-
        less I had too. As Friday wore on, I felt worse.
          Finally, I left to go get tested and was told
        if it was positive, I would get a call on the
        weekend. Saturday came and I still felt really   COVID positive! My heart sank, but every-  outside because I wanted to see my son who
        bad so I didn’t leave to go anywhere. The   thing made sense; you know, how I was feel-  had been staying at a friend’s house. We sat
        headache was the worst, even though I was   ing and the intensity of my symptoms. I told   outside at safe distances and with masks on.
        taking Tylenol and Advil every couple of   my family. Thankfully my son, daughter and   I started to shake and sweat so much; I was
        hours. On Sunday morning, I went to the   my parents tested negative that following   very dizzy but didn’t want to alarm my family
        store to buy some more meds. My head hurt   week. The house was cleaned and sanitized.   and scare my son. So, I went to my room very
        so much that I cried all the way home. My   My food was left on a table outside the room.   quickly and as soon as I shut the door, I
        body aches continued to get worse. When I   If I was going to leave my room, I let everyone   passed out and woke up a few minutes later.
        got home, my daughter asked me how I was   know that I was stepping out.    It was a very scary time. I literally prayed that
        feeling and I told her my headache was un-  Over the next couple of days, I got worse.   I wouldn’t die.
        bearable. As she was massaging my head, my   I have never felt anything like this before. The   I lost my senses of taste and smell. To this
        phone started to ring. I noticed it was from   headaches, body aches and difficulty breath-  day, my taste is different. This virus is a lonely
        the hospital, so I answered.         ing. I knew I should have gone to the hospital   one. I made myself walk outside in the mid-
          The nurse proceeded to tell me that I was   but I didn’t want too.  One evening, I went   dle of the day to warm up. Thankfully, with a

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