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                                                                                                   IN REVIEW

        lot of support and prayers, I was cleared after
        ten days to go back to work. The fatigue and
        shortness of breath continued for weeks after
        going back to work.
          Meanwhile, as I was going through this,
        my sister Cindy and her family were just
        about to get started with this nightmare.

        Cindy’s story

          It was Sunday June 14 when I got the call
        from Patricia that she had tested positive. She
        let all of us know and we were in shock. So,
        the whole family avoided being around my   to the doctor. My youngest one was wheezing   smell was gone and I had lost my appetite,
        sister as well as to my parents’ home. But it   and, when we got the results of the test, they   but I still had some taste.
        was too late.                        both tested positive. I was told that the whole   I used all of my son’s inhaler and that
          The next day, Monday, I had my sons   family should use masks and keep our dis-  seemed to help a little. I was really scared
        tested with their pediatrician. The doctor had   tance in our home. When I got back, I had   with everything that I had heard on the news.
        them sit outside in the back of the office   everyone distance from each other and quar-  My husband had all the symptoms but never
        where the nurse came to do a nasal swab and   antine. I washed all the clothes and bedding.   got tested. He said he didn’t feel the need to
        checked their lungs. All was clear. Wednesday   I had them all clean/sanitize everything, in-  if I had already tested positive; he was sure he
        we got the news all the boys were negative. I   cluding door handles. I sprayed down the   also had it.  Because he worked by himself
        was very relieved.                   couches and mattresses with Lysol and then   outside, he just kept working. He would
          I decided to get checked too by my   continued to spray down everything else. I   come home and just sleep. In the evenings, he
        mother’s doctor on Wednesday. After a week,   washed dishes as soon as they were used. I   would tell me to walk and get moving so I
        I received the results - negative. Again re-  washed the bedding every other day. My two   wouldn’t just be in bed. I would walk about
        lieved, we let our guard down. But it turned   oldest sons stayed in their room, since they   half-a-block and I couldn’t take it. I felt so
        out we made the same mistake many have   didn’t present any symptoms.    tired and out of breath.
        made; we got tested too soon after exposure.   I had started walking almost every day in   Finally, my fever broke and the wheezing
        We are supposed to wait eight days after ex-  the summer heat to get myself in better   stopped, my chest felt so sore. My employer
        posure to be tested. The symptoms started   health. I noticed by body was hot but I   helped me get an appointment to get tested
        when one of my young boys started with a   thought it was because of the outside heat in   again to go back to work. The test results
        low-grade fever, body aches and head hurt-  June. But it turns out I had started with a low   were negative for COVID. I hoped that
        ing. I just thought it was the flu or something   fever. Then one day I was just tired, my body   meant everything would be back to normal,
        else, not COVID.                     ached and my fever started getting a little   but it took week s for my sister and I, walking
          I had the mentality of “it won’t happen to   higher. My husband walked in from work   in the evenings, to build our strength back.
        us”. Then I noticed my 14-year-old sleeping   looking tired; he said his body ached. He did-  We both struggled with our breathing. For
        more, being tired and developing black eyes.   n’t want to eat and said his nose “burned”.    several weeks I couldn’t catch my breath.
        He was on the couch, tired. I cut up some   The next day I called my mom’s doctor’s of-  Now I’m doing much better, breathing
        pineapple for him and he got up to get some.   fice to get tested again. By then my boy’s   “normal”. All six of us in my family still don’t
        He asked me if I could taste the pineapple,   symptoms had gone away. For my boys, it   have our full sense of smell and taste back.
        and I said yes, it’s sweet. He couldn’t taste or   lasted about a week and they were back to   My faith in God is what got us through it;
        smell it. That’s when I started to get really   “normal”. But I struggled for about 2 weeks   praying and believing we would all get better.
        worried.                             with fever, tightness in my chest and I was   We still take all the necessary precautions in-
          The next morning, I called the kids’ pedi-  wheezing. I also had a dry cough that would   cluding masks when we’re out and we use
        atrician again for them to get tested and the   act up at night. My husband would ask me if   hand sanitizer. We hope we don’t ever get
        doctor’s office scheduled them in right away.   I was ok. He wanted to take me the hospital,   COVID again.
        This time I only took the two youngest boys   but I didn’t want to go. I noticed my sense of

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