Page 13 - SAM September 2019
P. 13
he didn’t seek treatment immediately, he until he met Street Medicine volunteers Medicine is an out-of-the-classroom learn-
risked having to have his leg amputated, or that he finally had people tell him to do the ing experience that is highlighting this im-
die from sepsis. Although he allowed me to right thing. All he had ever known were portant aspect of medicine and provided
clean and bandage his wound, he refused to people that deceived and mistreated him. me with eye-opening experiences that I will
go to the hospital. However, that did not It took him some time to understand that continue to build upon throughout my
stop Street Medicine from visiting him the people of Street Medicine are different. medical career.
weekly to check the status of his leg and We wholeheartedly cared about him,
reemphasize the paramount importance of thought about him, prayed for him. When Kaleigh Longcrier
receiving treatment at the hospital. Over he realized this, he was inspired to seek You can’t really understand what Street
time, the gentleman developed a trusting re- treatment, as well as pursue a life absent of Medicine is like unless you get out and go
lationship with us and finally decided to go drugs with the ultimate goal of rising out yourself. As a student, Street Medicine has
to the hospital. of homelessness. been an incredible opportunity to observe
When I asked him what finally motivated I no longer perceive health as simply the medical skills that I have not learned yet and
him to seek treatment, the man shared a absence of disease. Health is intertwined practice the limited skills that I have learned
humbling story with me. He was exploited with body and spirit. It was obvious that thus far. As a future physician, I am learning
by a local gang to test their newly synthe- our friend was physically injured and re- valuable insight into the multidimensional
sized drug products. All his life he was sur- quired an immediate fix. However, it wasn’t entity that we call health. I’m learning that
rounded by bad people, manipulating him until his spiritual wellness was cared for that health and well-being are much more than
to do bad things for their benefit. It wasn’t he was able to be physically healed. Street numbers on lab tests but include intimate
continued on page 14
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