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             Monopolistic Healthcare

                          Who Wants That?

                                                By Alan M. Preston, MHA, Sc.D.

           I     am always surprised how people can rationalize the  Even monopolies in a state's electricity industry is often opposed
                                                                 In the private sector, we are almost uniformly against a monopoly.
                 merits  of   certain  socialistic  financial,  market,  eco-
                 nomic, and healthcare systems as desirable when the
                                                               of not supporting a monopoly. The Federal Government enforces
        evidence is clear and compelling all around us that capitalistic sys-  by 75 percent of citizens. The federal government has a long history
        tems are superior to socialistic systems. Yet, people seem to grav-  three major Federal antitrust laws, (designed to break up a monop-
        itate to socialistic systems based on a conceptual framework,  oly) and most states also have their own as well. Essentially, these
        headline, or soundbite that when examined closely, I doubt there  laws prohibit business practices that unreasonably deprive con-
        would be any support for such. For example, who would be in  sumers of the benefits of competition (i.e., a monopoly), resulting
        favor of a form of government where the government owns the  in higher prices for products and services. Let me underscore the
        means of production? Nevertheless, we have an increasing num-  position of the Justice Department on this issue; the lack of com-
        ber of individuals in this country that are embracing components  petition results in higher prices. This seems like common sense and
        of such a system.                                      a logical conclusion to draw about a monopoly.

         18  San Antonio Medicine   •  March  2019
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