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         To Find Health

         By Kathleen Francis, Medical Student at University of Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

                                                                                               Kathleen Francis is a sec-
                                                                                              ond-year  medical  student  at
                                                                                              the University of the Incar-
                                                                                              nate Word School of Osteo-
                                                                                              pathic  Medicine,  inaugural
                                                                                              class of 2021. during her free
                                                                                              time in between studying for
                                                                                              boards,  she  enjoys  running
                                                                                              with a local running group lo-
                                                                                              cated at brooks City base with
                                                                                              her  German  Shepherd  dog
                                                                                              and watching matinee movies.
                                                                                              Kathleen's future plans are to
                                                                                              apply for Emergency or Inter-
                                                                                              nal Medicine residencies while
                                                                                              continuing to develop her os-
                                                                                              teopathic manipulative skills.

                                                                                               visit us at  21
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