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        This story in verse explores the evolution of a scientist
        through his experiences with depression.

        By Anna Dar, Medical Student at University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine

         in the family politic      life now orthogonal         no energy left             the strain on my bones and bowels
         there exists a code of treatment  to life before.      from cells to soul,        loosed
         for your every “problem”–                              struggling in my silence I am told
         exogenous until proven otherwise.  numbers bleed in    I am the source of my own   my fingers once caught
                                    to memories blister under eyes—  suffering             in a tangle of wringing
         when asked what is         there are so many eyes that I feel                     refolded into strength,
         “the problem”              even when I am alone        and the eyes are left to stare.   softness.
         my words are broken,       the eyes speak,
         estranged from my mind.                                                           my hands free to build
                                    “Everything inside and out  in my years on this Earth
         at the start there were    under waves and on slides   We made more eyes and hands   life as I
         numbers                    in human eyes               to behold:                 began
         put more numbers in my hand,   is alright.                                        again
         fed me and my home                                     numbers of eyes            anew.
                                    What then is the problem?”   that feed me back
         and did you know                                                                  I organified:
         that numbers necrose?      all of these eyes           now stare back
                                    know how I have fallen      in a gaze of glass         the fluidity of my body
         number.                    know not what I feel—       like fruit looking down on rotting  unearthed
         num(b)er.                  they only see skin.         roots.                     to reveal

         like any other life,       they have exhausted         but the hunger for light   I am my own faith.
         industry                   every visible route         resides in us all,
              disintegrates.        of tracing the root
                                    of this pain.               and the light did return.
         I have learned more than I can say
         yet my limbs run from my brain  from where does pain project  desensitized to probing eyes,
         met with faces that beg,   when it is not formed       I myself looked for listeners.
         react, react!              within the body?
                                                                in my search I found
         I remain inert,            the snaking feeling of spasms  both silenced pain
         immovable.                 from my gut to my throat    and silenced hands—
                                    robs me of words—
         science, first nature                                  I wonder,
         spills freely from me,     the sensations mocked       is the greater shame
         but its warmth is gone.    by devices that peer inside me  emotion
                                    to view a true bleed.       or psychiatry?
         the light of God is gone
                                    diagnosis is a recurring    a mass unfolding awoke:
         if it was ever there.      plaguing dream
                                    that failed to find         from folds of my brain
         God is the end of the vector   why food is now a forgotten idea  out tumbled feeling,
         from my eyes into the sky—  that effaces my core.      the energy core of memories—

         18  San Antonio Medicine   •  June  2019
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