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                                                                                   thanks to HB 3284, it won’t kick in until
                                                                                   March 1, 2020. That gives physicians and
                                                                                   their electronic health record (EHR) ven-
                                                                                   dors time to properly integrate their sys-
                                                                                            tems  with  the  PMP.  Plus,
                                                                                            lawmakers  appropriated  an
                                                                                            additional $5 million for the
                                                                                            Texas State Board of Phar-
                                                                                            macy  to  spend  this  year  to
                                                                                            make the PMP easier to inte-
                                                                                            grate, as well as to cover the
                                                                                            licensing fees for all state pre-
                                                                                            scribers and pharmacists.
                                                                                              “As it stands now, if I want
                                                                                            to  check  the  prescription
                                                                                            monitoring program, I have
                                                                                            to leave my electronic med-
                                                                                            ical record, log in to a differ-
                                                               ent website, type in the patient’s first and last name and birthdate at
                                                               a bare minimum, check some boxes, and then click search and then
                                                               get a printout,” said
        •   Senate Bill 748 (Kolkhorst) directs the state to expand preg-  San Antonio orthopedic surgeon Adam Bruggeman, MD, who’s
            nancy medical home pilots to new sites and to test the use of  also board certified in addiction medicine. “That all takes time to
            telemedicine, telehealth, and telemonitoring to improve prenatal  get in and out of the system.
            and postpartum care.                                 “TMA has worked very hard with the legislators, and they’ve
        •   In the 2020-21 budget, lawmakers approved more than $100  agreed to help pay for physicians to have an integrated prescription
            million to help rural hospitals, a portion of which is dedicated  monitoring program. We’re not quite there yet, and I think the Sep-
            to helping those hospitals retain labor and delivery services.  tember date was a little aggressive to get us across the finish line.”
                                                                 With opioids generating bleak national headlines on a regular
        PMP Extension Granted                                  basis, lawmakers seemed focused on limiting opioid prescriptions
          When it came to opioids and pharmacy matters, some of the  for acute pain to a seven-day supply. But House Bill 2174 (Zerwas)
        major pieces of medicine’s 2019 agenda came down to something  establishes a 10-day limit instead.
        everyone wishes they had more of: time.                  “It is somewhat of an arbitrary thing to put a particular maximum
          Physicians need it to get comfortable with a mandate to check  amount of time for opioid prescriptions,” said Dr. Terk. “We felt
        the state’s prescription monitoring program (PMP). Patients need  like 21 days is probably too long and doesn’t respect the concern
        it to make sure the pain medications they’re prescribed do what the  about how long it takes for an individual to become dependent on
        drugs are supposed to do.                              these medications. But the [TMA Council on Legislation] reasoned
          The legislature listened, and TMA achieved wins on both counts,  that [a limit of] 10 days was reasonable for most post-operative and
        as well as on increased transparency from pharmacy benefit man-  post-trauma patients.”
        agers (PBMs).                                            HB 2174 also requires electronic prescribing for opioids begin-
          House Bill 3284 (Sheffield) bought the time physicians needed to  ning in 2021 (when a similar requirement from Medicare takes ef-
        comply with lawmakers’ 2017 mandate to check the state’s PMP be-  fect) plus two hours of CME for opioid-prescribing, and generally
        fore issuing any prescription for opioids, benzodiazepines, barbitu-  prohibits prior authorization for medication-assisted treatment for
        rates, or carisoprodol.                                opioid use disorder.
          That mandate was scheduled to go into effect in September. But  Increasing drug-pricing transparency from PBMs was another

                                                                                                       continued on page 20
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