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        ment up to a year in a county jail and a fine of $4,000.    this was a bill specifically targeting physicians.  Had this bill passed,
          The Legislature has further decided physicians can be sued by the  an attorney general could go after one or more physicians simply
        attorney general for billing what he/she sees as a fair rate for the  because it was politically expedient.
        service, or accept less pay than what the service is worth.  This ses-  Physicians are under siege and now the price of not being en-
        sion, Senator Hancock proposed SB 1264 to end balance billing by  gaged in advocacy is going to jail. The legislature wishes to dictate
        physicians.  In the original draft of the compromise bill, there was  how we practice medicine and criminalize those who fall outside of
        agreement amongst legislators in both the House and Senate to in-  their parameters.  There is no better reason to contribute to and en-
        sert language as follows, “ Sec. 752.001 INJUNCTION FOR BAL-  gage with TEXPAC.  It is important for all of our futures. Contri-
        ANCED BILLING. (a) If the attorney general believes that an  butions to TEXPAC are used to support and build relationships
        individual or entity is violating a law prohibiting the individual or  with legislators. It is much harder for a legislator to vote for a bill
        entity from billing an insured participant or enrollee in an amount  which sends you to jail if you have an established relationship with
        greater than the insured’s participant’s or enrollee’s responsibility  that individual. There is no ambiguity about this.  Advocacy protects
        under the insured’s participants’ or enrollee’s managed care plan,  our livelihoods.  There are already laws on the books which assure
        the attorney general may bring a civil action in the name of the state  you are committing a crime each day you practice medicine.  The
        to enjoin the individual or entity from the violation.”  It should be  only way to reverse the trend is to be engaged in advocacy.
        noted that TMA later worked to get that language changed such
        that evidence has to be brought from a state regulatory agency.  No  Dr. Alex Kenton is the chairman of  the BCMS Legisla-
        statute was written for the insurance company for underpaying the  tive and Socioeconomics Committee and is also the chair of
        physician or for having inadequate networks.  Make no mistake that  TEXPAC.

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