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          Representative Zerwas also authored House Bill 39 and House  She says CPRIT has drastically improved Texas’ ability to do cancer
        Joint Resolution 12 to help renew the Cancer Prevention and Re-  research. For instance, the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medi-
        search Institute of Texas (CPRIT). Since it was founded in 2008,  cine was co-awarded to a researcher brought to Texas using CPRIT
        CPRIT has awarded about $2.2 billion in more than 1,300 grants to  funds. And Dr. Williams-Brown herself is one of many physicians
        promote cancer-fighting efforts.                       participating in screening initiatives paid for by the agency.
          With the legislature’s blessing, Texas voters will decide on Nov. 5  “It’s through these types of programs that we’re able to provide
        if the state’s cancer-fighting agency will be able to issue another $3  health care to so many people throughout Texas – particularly those
        billion in taxpayer-backed bonds for research and prevention.  who are underserved and might not otherwise have access,” she said.
          “I’m very happy that will happen,” said Marian Y. Williams-  David Lakey, MD, vice chancellor for health affairs and chief
        Brown, MD, chair of TMA’s Committee on Cancer and an assistant  medical officer for The University of Texas System and a member
        professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Dell Medical School at  of TMA’s Council on Science and Public Health, praised new fund-
        The University of Texas at Austin.                     ing allocated to the Texas Department of State Health Services.

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