Page 23 - OctSam2019
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medicine were coming to a close in my life- certification for application to TMb for a li- that life is great. The recent transition in
time. So I joined Solomon Anthony, and cense to practice medicine. Physicians also leadership at my practice has been smooth
eventually we merged in to HealthTexas. A may not permit another to use the physician’s and seamless. My partners have strongly
few years later, together with my very astute, license to practice medicine, nor can a physi- embraced the idea that we should all get to
well-informed and prophetic partners, cian assist another unlicensed person, or a chase our dreams by supporting one an-
HealthTexas decided to buy itself away from partnership, association, or corporation in other. This has allowed me to stay involved
Santa Rosa. That divestiture process was practicing medicine.” Case law has made it in Organized Medicine, and to accept Gov.
very complicated, expensive and did not clear that physicians cannot be employees of Gregg Abbott’s invitation to sit on the
make us any friends. This was and remains corporate entities. The courts have held that Texas Medical board, while continuing to
the greatest metamorphosis of my profes- allowing a non-physician entity/corporation pursue my ranching and hunting passions.
sional practice life. We suddenly had wings. to employee a physician has the potential to I am very happy doing what I do, and have
Since that time, through sacrifice and hard commercialize the practice of medicine and been blessed with good health thus far. I
work, we have managed to advance our prac- destroys the physician-patient relationship. I have no desire to retire, and no plan on
tice to become a premier provider of health- see this, and you see this, time and time again slowing down.
care in the greater San Antonio market; and – something not getting approved because of My practice is in growth mode, and the
we have managed to do so remaining totally cost. What did you think would happen when group has challenged me to open and estab-
physician governed and owned. We created you went to work for that entity? lish our 16th area office in Helotes. I believe
a management company which manages The Corporate Practice of Medicine pro- we have the best model for success we could
HealthTexas. It is entirely owned and gov- hibition is rooted in an unwavering desire hope for, established and governed by physi-
erned by its practicing physicians. Upon re- to protect the public by prohibiting non- cians, with the management company having
tirement, you cannot continue as an owner physicians from practicing medicine. You only practicing physician leaders and owners.
and must sell your shares back to enable became a physician to take care of patients This came with a lot of sacrifice and hard
younger partners to acquire them and there- and to heal. You probably trained at a time, work, and the willingness of its physicians to
fore help lead the group in to the future. And as I did, when we were not taught to run buy in to the concept that only practicing
therein lies the basis for this discussion. our offices like a business. As a result, many physicians know what is best for their pa-
There are only two types of people who of us fell victim to the ever-growing de- tients. Only physicians should be able to de-
embrace change – business consultants and mands of insurance companies, govern- termine what is and is not needed to achieve
wet babies. but you get to decide which one ment agencies and payers along with the best possible outcome for those who rely
you will be. In any business, change is in- non-physician entrepreneurs who see the on us for healthcare. We do not protect
evitable and unescapable. How you are able art of practicing medicine as a money cow. someone’s bricks and mortar, and we are not
to manage that evolution is what divides sat- by creating more hoops to jump through, in the Practice of Medicine to protect stock-
isfaction and success from discontent and you have become so frustrated that the easy holders in a corporation. We strive to prac-
failure. The Corporate Practice of Medicine, road always looks tempting; electronic med- tice efficient, evidence-based medicine with
where physicians are controlled by non- ical records, star ratings, HEdIS scores, the goal of excellent outcomes – every pa-
physician entities, does not end in satisfac- survey scores, Google Stars, Press-Gainey tient, every time. We are the antithesis of the
tion and success. No matter how the ratings, TPMP requirements – the list goes Corporate Practice of Medicine.
relationship starts off, when it comes to de- on and on. because of this, many of you
ciding on your personal success vs. the suc- have chosen to contract with entities which From the back porch, feet up, sun going down, I
cess of the corporate entity with its bricks may or may not run afoul of the law and am Manny Quiñones.
and mortar, you will never win. Non-physi- the Corporate Practice of Medicine. Please
cian corporate entities do NOT have your be careful if you choose this road. We as Dr. Quiñones has a medical prac-
best interest at heart. And, the Corporate physicians are all subject to the Corporate tice in San Antonio, was the 2008
Practice of Medicine is illegal. Practice of Medicine prohibition and the President of the Bexar County
Section 164.052 of the Texas Occupations Texas Medical Practice Act. You have to Medical Society, currently serves on
Code specifically says “Physicians may not know the law and get good legal advice. the BCMS Board of Directors and
purchase or sell a medical degree, license, or From my side of the fence, I can tell you is on the Texas Medical Board.
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