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          PHYSICIAN                                       vs.          The Corporate

         Independence                                                  Practice of


                                                                       By Manuel M. Quiñones, Jr., MD – Opinion/Editorial

                 This article is written strictly as an opinion piece by Dr. Manny Quiñones and is not to be interpreted in
                                        any way as the opinion of the Texas Medical Board.

          “So why on earth is Manny writing an ar-  work for yourself or for other physicians,  Family Practice doctor. That didn’t work out
        ticle again?” Well, I’ll tell you why. because  having an opinion about how you take care  very well because I thought I would become
        for some time now, many things have gone  of your patients can really be anxiogenic. So  an equal partner as he had promised; but that
        unsaid, and if anybody would ever say them,  why would you ever want to work for an en-  was not on his priority list. Me not being shy
        it would have to be me. I know I may make  tity you have no control over, no hope of  about my concerns landed us in opposite
        some of you happy, thinking “Gosh I’m glad  ever governing or leading, or worse yet, one  corners. So, I was “released” and started my
        someone said something about that,” and  that might have you in violation of the Cor-  solo practice. I had the pleasure of working
        others of you may say, “I can’t believe some-  porate Practice of Medicine prohibition here  closely  with  three  other  FPs  during  my
        body said that!” So here goes.      in Texas? let me tell you a little about how I  tenure of solo practice and they went off to
          In  my  book,  there  are  a  few  rules  you  started my professional life and how it has  do other things alone, which I respected.
        should  never  break  and  lines  you  should  evolved  and  maybe  you  will  understand  Then about 10 years in to my solo life, my
        never step over. One of those is never bite  where I am coming from.     friend dr. Hugh Wolf, approached me and
        the hand that feeds you. So what happens if  When I finished my residency in Family  invited me to join one of the Santa Rosa
        you  don’t  work  for  yourself  or  for  other  Practice in 1985, at the encouragement of a  groups. I was reluctant, but realized (25 years
        physicians? Unfortunately, when you don’t  very dear friend, I went to work for another  ago now) that the days of solo primary care

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