Page 16 - OctSam2019
P. 16


       The State of the

       CPOM and

       the Law in


          By Jeff Wurzburg, Esq.

             he Corporate Practice of Medicine  practice of medicine, combined with the  fied  in  the  Texas  Medical  Practice  Act,
             (CPOM)  doctrine  faces  renewed  constraint  of  medical  school  debt,  have  which is part of the Texas Occupations
             pressures in an era of delivery sys-  made employment an attractive option.  Code (TOC). In Texas, CPOM generally
        tem reform and payors shifting reimburse-  However, this shift likely doesn’t spell the  prohibits corporations, entities or individu-
        ment to value. In Texas and other states,  end to the principle underlying CPOM laws  als that are not physicians from the practice
        legislative changes have loosened the pro-  – that a physician’s medical judgment must  of medicine.
        hibitions on corporate practice to align with  remain free from corporate and financial
        current public policy goals of integration  pressures – just a realignment in philoso-  Section 155.001
        and collaboration.                   phy. The dual trends of physician/hospital  Requires an individual to have a license
          In 2012, hospitals or health systems em-  alignment  and  reimbursement  based  on  issued by the TMb to practice medicine.
        ployed around 25% of U.S. physicians and  value and clinical integration have put pres-
        by 2018 the percentage increased to 44%.  sure on certain aspects of CPOM restric-  Section 155.003
        between July 2016 and January 2018, hos-  tions.  However,  Texas  still  maintains  a  Requires an individual to satisfy certain el-
        pitals acquired 8,000 medical practices and  robust CPOM law in comparison to many  igibility  standards  that  a  corporate  entity
        14,000 physicians left private practice and  other states.               would not be able to fulfill in order to receive
        entered  into  employment  arrangements                                  a medical license, including with regard to
        with hospitals. In 2018, close to 70% of  Texas Restrictions on CPOM     age, professional character and education.
        physicians below 40 were employees. For  Originally, the notion of corporate prac-
        many younger physicians, the promise of a  tice  was  defined  and  developed  through  Section 157.001
        set salary and the ability to focus on the  case law. The prohibitions were later codi-  Permits a physician to delegate certain

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