Page 15 - OctSam2019
P. 15


                                                                                found to be disproportionately located in
                                                                                high income areas.
                                                                                  This is not intended to say all for-profit en-
                                                                                tities are flawed or corrupt. A recent case
                                                                                study examining Md Anderson (corporate
                                                                                entity) touts it to be an excellent example for
                                                                                others to follow. It is a non-profit hospital
                                                                                with some for-profit agreements. An exam-
                                                                                ple of a for-profit entity that has reported
                                                                                improved outcomes is the Pediatrix Medical
                                                                                Group, a subsidiary of MEdNAX Inc. For-
                                                                                profit corporate medical groups keep a close
                                                                                eye on their finances while attempting to bal-
                                                                                ance costs, patient well-being, and patient
                                                                                outcomes. This is not an easy task. We need
                                                                                updated outcome studies comparing the ex-
        What can we say then of the American corporate         isting models that deliver care so that we can build a better delivery
        medicine experiment? Here are some examples of         system; a system that strives to continually provide for a patient’s
        where it went very wrong.                              well-being.
          Corporations have dominated dialysis units. The two largest,  Market forces drive for-profit organizations and corporate med-
        davita and Fresenius, have been cited as doing a poor job keeping  icine is no exception. Corporate influences are reshaping reimburse-
        patients alive. A 2011 study in Health Services Research found that  ment policies and competition, driving a shift from a solo practice
        for-profit chains had a 13% higher risk of mortality than not-for-  to a group practice. Those who argue that market forces will solve
        profits. davita has paid out hundreds of millions to settle claims  the problems in healthcare, either fail to acknowledge or fail to un-
        of  overuse  of  potentially  harmful  drugs  and  of  committing  derstand that these same forces are devoted to a corporate ethic
        Medicare fraud. A 2002 meta-analysis found that patients in a for-  (loyalty to shareholders) and not to patients. At the same time, physi-
        profit hospital had a higher risk of death compared to not-for-profit  cians also need to be financially able to provide services, but they
        hospitals.                                             are typically more focused on the well-being of the patient.
          So, looping back to the largest hospital system in America, how  These divergent allegiances in healthcare are all-too-often ignored
        have they behaved? In 1993, the government launched what became  by our politicians. It is unfortunate that our destiny as practicing
        a 10-year investigation of various allegations, one of which was over-  physicians is, and will continue to, be defined in political terms.
        billing Medicare. In 2003, the government received around $2 billion  Therefore, we should all be involved in preserving the integrity of
        dollars from HCA in criminal fines and civil penalties. The Justice  medicine, whether we champion the cause of the solo practitioner
        department called it the “largest healthcare fraud in US history”.   or that of “big medicine”.
          In 2016 in Texas, Austin hospitalists sued TeamHealth (a com-  Our patients have been defined as “consumers” by big business.
        pany St. david’s Healthcare uses) alleging they were being pressured  That is such a misuse of the word consumer. To be a consumer
        to make medical decisions that make money for the hospital. Texas,  means you have a choice. Our patients often have no choice of who
        like many other states, has created “corporate practice of medicine  they see or what medicine they try first. We must defend those
        laws” that forbid a business from practicing medicine; hence, the  choices and we must incorporate the patient’s experience when de-
        lawsuit.                                               veloping policies. We have a moral obligation to reinsert ourselves
          Although there are gaps in the literature, a 2014 study found that  into the discussion of how best to deliver care.
        for-profit entities had inferior outcomes. Some physician practices
        are operating under a corporate roof, yet it’s unclear how it will af-  Bexar County Medical Society has a superb Legislative and Socioeconomic
        fect patient outcomes. A 2016 study in Health Affairs of retail clin-  Committee that regularly meets with our local politicians and judges. As a mem-
        ics found higher costs (by 21%) for “low acuity conditions“ such as  ber of  BCMS, you can begin there; I know I did. The staff  at our society is
        colds. Also in this study, free standing ERs and retail clinics were  friendly, supportive and knowledgeable. Please reach out.

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