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         “You’re a

         Doctor, Should

         I Vaccinate

         My Precious


         By Melissa Garcia, MD

               he overwhelming and only answer to this question
               should be YES! We all learned about immunizations in
               medical school, and most of us thought we would never
        see certain diseases again in our practice lifetime. I understood the
        immunology and the disease process, and I saw the pictures of the
        consequences of these diseases. I am not going to review the disease
        processes or statistics for vaccine efficacy and safety, but I will tell
        you vaccines work and they save lives and it is our responsibility as
        physicians to disseminate that information to anyone that will listen.
          My mother’s generation can tell stories of lining up to receive the
        polio vaccine as well as knowing someone that was in an iron lung.  We took an oath to first do no harm, and I value the opportunity
        One of my greatest fears during training was encountering epigloti-  to protect the health of our children. We must all answer the vaccine
        tis, because who really wants to face that in a child?   question with confidence and relay the message that vaccines are
          As a Pediatrician in the trenches, I can see that the anti-vaccina-  safe and essential in order to protect our children and those that
        tion movement is alive and kicking.  Our great state of Texas as well  surround us who truly can’t be vaccinated. Vaccines should be given
        as local counties have some pockets of abysmal school vaccination  on time and at the recommended intervals, otherwise the child con-
        rates. When combined with the prevalence of measles throughout  tinues to be at risk of vaccine preventable diseases. If you have
        the country, we stand to lose our “measles elimination status” if the  questions about vaccines, please ask your friendly Pediatrician or
        cases of measles continue to rise. This is absolutely unacceptable  Family Medicine physician.
        in this day of modern medicine when readily available vaccines can  We as colleagues need to take a stand against the misinformation
        prevent disease. I really never thought I would have to spend so  that undermines the evidence-based medicine that we all practice
        much time convincing parents to vaccinate their child.   on a daily basis. We must advocate to our legislators for elimination
          In my 20 years of medical practice, I can honestly say that I have  of the personal vaccine exemption in Texas to help ensure that the
        never encountered a circumstance where a vaccine could not be ad-  climbing vaccine exemption rates begin to decrease across our
        ministered due to vaccine safety or side effects, (with the exception  schools and in our great state of Texas. Even California has a more
        of not giving live virus vaccines to an immunocompromised child,  stringent vaccination policy than Texas. We can do better. We should
        or when the vaccine is truly contraindicated, which is extremely  all feel confident to answer the question, “Should I vaccinate my
        rare). Full disclosure, I did not practice in the whole cell pertussis  precious child?” with an overwhelming YES!
        vaccine era; that is a lot of vaccines given through the years. I have
        never given a student vaccine exemption waiver except when live  Melissa A. Garcia, MD is a Pediatrician at ABCD Pediatrics in New
        virus vaccines are contraindicated.                    Braunfels, Texas and is a member of  the Bexar County Medical Society.

         18  San Antonio Medicine   •  November  2019
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