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                                                                                           & DESIGN

        else you feel that you need to keep a watchful eye inside your home.
        Close the garage door, lock your doors and set the security system,
        all at your convenience and location.
          The ability to monitor lifestyle and health issues is here, easy and
        affordable. Imagine having your heart rate, blood pressure and calo-
        ries burned monitored just by pressing a button, and even the ability
        to contact your doctor or emergency help. How many lives will be
        saved with smart home features?
           It’s easy to be the smartest home on the block with Control 4,
        Harmony Pro, URC, and Josh AI, the top innovative smart home
        solutions that offer one room to whole house solutions. Connecting
        to almost all smart home systems and devices, they offer as much
        or little control as you want and streamline the smart home lifestyle
        to fit your needs.
           If you’ve considered hiring a butler or full-time help, Josh AI,
        voice-controlled artificial intelligence smart home system, is just for
        you. This little multitasker can follow a string of commands, like
        open the garage door, set the thermostat and turn on Pandora to
                                                                                                      continued on page 24
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