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                                       Our mission is to serve people with  INSURANCE       insurance products to the physi-
                                       disabilities by providing compas-                    cians of Texas. Currently, we pro-
                                       sionate, expert care during the re-                  tect more than 18,000 physicians
             The Mani Johnston Group at UBS  habilitation process, and support              in all specialties who practice in all
             (HHH Gold Sponsor)        recovery through education and                       areas of the state. TMLT is a rec-
             Advice Beyond Investing, Dedi-  research.            SWBC                      ommended partner of the Bexar
             cated Client Service Team, 4  Central referral line  (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor)  County Medical Society and is en-
             decades serving the Bexar County  210-592-5350       SWBC is a financial services com-  dorsed by the Texas Medical Asso-
             medical community.  Specializa-  “Joint Commission COE.”  pany offering a wide range of insur-  ciation, the Texas Academy of
             tion in customized asset manage-                     ance, mortgage, PEO, Ad Valorem  Family Physicians, and the Dallas,
             ment and lending services  Methodist Healthcare System  and investment services. We focus  Harris, Tarrant and Travis county
             supported by the strength of the  (HH Silver Sponsor)  dedicated attention on our clients  medical societies.
             UBS Global Bank.          Palmire Arellano           to ensure their lasting satisfaction  Patty Spann
             Carol Mani Johnston       210-575-0172               and long-term relationships.  512-425-5932
             Senior Vice President – Wealth  Deborah Gray Marino
             Management              VP Community Relations
             Senior Portfolio Manager                             210-525-1241              Recommended partner of the
             210-805-1075              Select Rehabilitation of          Bexar County Medical Society
     San Antonio              Wealth Advisor, Gil Castillo, CRPC®
     (HH Silver Sponsor)   210-321-7258
             "UBS is honored to be named  We provide specialized rehabilita-
             Best Bank for Wealth Manage-  tion programs and services for  Kristie Arocha, Mortgage
             ment in North America for 2017 by  individuals with medical, physical  210-255-0013
             Euromoney."               and functional challenges.        The Bank of San Antonio
                                       Miranda Peck                   Insurance Group, Inc.
             GRADUATE PROGRAMS         210-482-3000               Mortgages, investments, personal  (HHH Gold Sponsor)
                                and commercial insurance, bene-  We specialize in insurance and
                               fits, PEO, ad valorem tax services  banking products for physician
             Trinity University
             (HH Silver Sponsor)       “The highest degree of excel-                        groups and individual physicians.
             The Executive Master’s Program in  lence in medical rehabilitation.”           Our local insurance professionals
             Healthcare Administration is ranked in                                         are some of the few agents in the
             the Top 10 programs nationally. A part-  INFORMATION AND                       state who specialize in medical
             time, hybrid-learning program de-  TECHNOLOGIES      TMA Insurance Trust       malpractice and all lines of insur-
             signed for physicians and healthcare                 (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor)  ance for the medical community.
             managers to pursue a graduate de-                    Created and endorsed by the  Katy Brooks, CIC
             gree while continuing to work full-time.             Texas Medical Association (TMA),  210-807-5593
             Amer Kaissi, Ph.D.                                   the TMA Insurance Trust helps
             Professor and Executive Program  Express Information Systems  physicians, their families and their
             Director                                             employees get the insurance cov-  “Serving the medical community.”
             210-999-8132              (HHH Gold Sponsor)         erage they need.
      With over 29 years’ experience,  Wendell England     MedPro Group
     we understand that real-time visi-  512-370-1746  (HH Silver Sponsor)
             mics/departments/health-care-  bility into your financial data is  Medical Protective is the nation's
             administration            critical. Our browser-based  James Prescott          oldest and only AAA-rated provider
                                       healthcare accounting solutions  512-370-1776        of healthcare malpractice insurance.
             HEALTHCARE                provide accurate, multi-dimen-  Kirsten Baze
             TECHNOLOGY                sional reporting that helps you  John Isgitt         512-375-3972
                                       accommodate further growth and  512-370-1776
             RubiconMD                 drive your practice forward.
             (HH Silver Sponsor)       Rana Camargo               “We offer BCMS members a free  ProAssurance
                                                                  insurance portfolio review.”
             RubiconMD enables primary care  Senior Account Manager                         (HH Silver Sponsor)
             providers to quickly and easily dis-  210-771-7903                             Group (rated A+ (Superior) by
             cuss their e-Consults with top spe-                     A.M. Best) helps you protect your
             cialists so they can provide better                       important identity and navigate
             care - improving the patient expe-  “Leaders in Healthcare Software  Humana    today’s medical environment with
             rience and reducing costs  & Consulting”             (HHH Gold Sponsor)        greater ease—that’s only fair.
             Shang Wang                                           Humana is a leading health and  Keith Askew, Market Manager
             Business Development                                 well-being company focused on
             (845) 709-2719                                       making it easy for people to achieve  Mark Keeney, Director, Sales
          Network Alliance           their best health with clinical excel-
             Cyprian Kibuka            (HHH Gold Sponsor)         lence through coordinated care.  800.282.6242
             VP of Business Development  We are experts in managed IT  Jon Buss: 512-338-6167
             (650) 454-9604            services, business phone sys-
        tems, network security, cloud  Shamayne Kotfas: 512-338-6103  INTERNET
            services and telecom carrier of-  TELECOMMUNICATIONS
             “Expert Insights. Better Care."  ferings, located in the heart of
                                       the medical center at Freder-  INSURANCE/MEDICAL
             HOSPITALS/ HEALTHCARE     icksburg & Medical Dr.
             SERVICES                  Rod Tanner  (210) 870-1951  MALPRACTICE              Network Alliance
                                                      (HHH Gold Sponsor)
                                       Carl Lyles  (210) 870-1952                           We are experts in managed IT serv-
                                                       ices, business phone systems, net-
                                Texas Medical Liability Trust  work security, cloud services and
             Warm Springs Medical Center  “Delivering solutions through  (HHHH 10K Platinum Sponsor)  telecom carrier offerings, located in
                 Thousand Oaks         technology”                                          the heart of the medical center at
                 Westover Hills                                   Texas Medical Liability Trust is a  Fredericksburg & Medical Dr.
             (HHH Gold Sponsor)                                   not-for-profit health care liability
                                                                  claim trust providing malpractice  Rod Tanner

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