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                                           FIGURE 2   
        mortality. Stakeholders from around the
        state  presented  concepts  and  ideas  to
        promote improved care for women with
        the goal to affect maternal morbidity and
        mortality in Texas. In a follow-up, the
        TMA  hosted  a  Maternal  Health  Con-
        gress in March of this year during which
        proposed resolutions for reducing mater-
        nal morbidity and mortality were pre-
        sented.  The  result  of  this  highly
        impactful event was the development of
        a TMA 7-point plan to stop maternal
        deaths in Texas. This plan focused on
        several  actionable  resolutions  encom-
        passed in the areas of access to care, be-
        havioral health prevention and treatment,
        access to long-acting reversible contra-
        ceptives, quality improvement initiatives,
        and public health programming (See Box
        for additional information).

        Next Steps:                                                      NATIONAL/STATE/REGIONAL
          Maternal mortality remains a major concern nationally and for us  MATERNAL MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY
        in Texas. It is encouraging that many efforts are underway in the  INFORMATIONAL RESOURCES
        state to address the problem and with hope in the near future we
        will see tangible reductions in this unfortunate pregnancy compli-
        cation. With the next legislative biennium on the horizon, we all  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Pregnancy
                                                                  Mortality Surveillance System
        need to be strong advocates for promotion of women’s health is-
        sues, specifically those related to reduction in maternal morbidity
        and mortality in the state.                               Texas Maternal Levels of Care Designation:
        REFERENCES:                                               Texas Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Task Force:
          MacDorman MF, Declercq E, Cabral H, Morton C. Recent Increases in the
        U.S. Maternal Mortality Rate: Disentangling Trends From Measurement Issues.
        Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Sep; 128(3): 447-55.                 Texas Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health
          Baeva S, Saxton DL, Ruggiero K, Kormondy ML, Hollier LM, Hellerstedt J,  (AIM) Initiative:
        Hall M, Archer NP. Identifying Maternal Deaths in Texas Using an Enhanced
        Method, 2012. Obstet Gynecol. 2018 May; 131(5): 762-769.
          Main EK, McCain CL, Morton CH, Holtby S, Lawton ES. Pregnancy-related  Texas Collaborative for Healthy Mothers and Babies
        mortality in California: causes, characteristics, and improvement opportunities.  (TCHMB):
        Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Apr; 125(4): 938-47        
                                                                  Texas Medical Association (TMA) Maternal Mortality
                   Dr. Patrick S. Ramsey is a maternal-fetal medicine specialist
                                                                  and Morbidity
                 at Professor in the Department of  Obstetrics and Gynecology at
                 the UT Health San Antonio.  Dr. Ramsey serves on the Bexar
                 County and Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Task  South Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC)
        Forces as well as the Executive Committee for the Texas Collaborative for  Regional Perinatal Committee:
        Healthy Mothers and Babies (TCHMB).

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