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        FIGURE 1         
                                                                                  provided obstetric services to implement
                                                                                  Maternal  Early  Warning  Signs  (MEWS)
                                                                                  protocols to provide early identification of
                                                                                  pregnant women at high risk for maternal
                                                                                  morbidity and mortality.
                                                                                   In 2014, the 83rd Texas Legislature, dur-
                                                                                  ing regular session, passed House Bill 15
                                                                                  establishing a process for designation of
                                                                                  neonatal and maternal levels of care for
                                                                                  health care facilities in Texas. In March of
                                                                                  this year the final maternal rules were pub-
                                                                                  lished and maternal delivery facilities from
                                                                                  around the state are actively preparing for
                                                                                  site surveys to meet maternal designation
                                                                                  deadline of September 1, 2020. This initia-
                                                                                  tive has great promise to improve care for
                                                                                  pregnant women in our state and to ensure
                                                                                  that each center has critical processes in
                                                                                  place for identification and care for women
                                                                                  with pregnancy complications. The desig-
        of obstetric hemorrhage was 129.8/10,000 deliveries with dissem-  nation process will help to ensure women who develop pregnancy
        inated intravascular coagulopathy occurring in 25.8/10,000 deliver-  complications are cared for at the appropriate level of care for their
        ies, cardiac events occurring in 20.4/10,000 deliveries, emergency  condition. The Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Task Force
        hysterectomy occurring in 13.9/10,000 deliveries, and eclampsia oc-  was also created in 2013 through Senate Bill 495. This multidisci-
        curring in 7.1/10,000 deliveries. These severe morbidities represent  plinary task force reviews cases of pregnancy-related deaths and
        potential “near misses” for maternal mortality and efforts to prevent  trends in severe maternal morbidity and makes formal recommen-
        these untoward outcomes represent key targets for efforts to reduce  dations to the Texas Legislature for efforts to help reduce the inci-
        maternal mortality in Texas and nationally. In a publication by Main  dence of pregnancy-related deaths and severe maternal morbidity
        and colleagues in Obstetrics & Gynecology in 2015, it was noted  in Texas. Last summer as an extension of these state efforts, the
        that there was a good-to-strong chance to prevent maternal death  Bexar County Metropolitan Health District formed a Bexar County
        in 41 percent of cases, with the highest rates of preventability  Morbidity and Mortality Task Force composed of a diverse array
        among cases of hemorrhage (70%) and preeclampsia (60%).   of stakeholders from San Antonio and Bexar County to explore
                                                               local factors related to these adverse events.
        Texas Initiatives to Prevent Maternal Morbidity          In January of this year, Texas became an official member of the
        and Mortality:                                         Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) as part of the
          We are fortunate today that there are a number of efforts under-  Council on Patient Safety in Women’s Health Care. AIM is a national
        way in Texas to address the scourge of maternal morbidity and mor-  data-driven maternal safety and quality improvement initiative fo-
        tality.  Ongoing initiatives such as Healthy Texas Women, Someday  cused on improving maternal safety and outcomes. Obstetric care
        Starts Now, Preconception Peer Education Program, One Key  bundles  and  toolkits  are  promoted  to  optimize  maternal  care
        Question, and others have been implemented to provide increased  through four main focal areas: Readiness, Recognition and Preven-
        access and education to patients related to family planning and op-  tion, Response, and Reporting/Systems learning. Since the launch
        timal pregnancy preparation. The Texas Electronic Vital Events  of TexasAIM in January, as of June 8, 2018, a total of 172 of the
        Register (TxEVER) program is also underway to increased death  239 hospitals (72%) providing obstetric care in Texas have enrolled
        certificate accuracy. The Texas Collaborative for Health Mothers  to participate in AIM. Previous work through AIM has demon-
        and Babies (TCHMB) was formed as a state perinatal collaborative  strated that implementation of patient safety bundles can result in
        in 2013 and has the mission to advance health care quality and pa-  a significant decrease in severe maternal morbidity.
        tient safety for all Texas mothers and babies. The collaborative has  Finally, in September of last year the Texas Medical Association
        undertaken state quality improvement initiative to assist hospitals  convened a forum focused on the issue of maternal morbidity and
                                                                                                       continued on page 18
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