Page 14 - Layout 1
P. 14

MATERNAL                     FIGURE 2
                                                                                                                     Photo by Piron Guillaume on Unsplash

        continued from page 13

        girls will have challenges. This dad will have
        to pull the burden alone. There is gaping
        emptiness, and yet there is so much abun-
        dance. Let us begin filling.
          The Public Health Action Committee of
        the Faith Based Initiative of the City of San
        Antonio hopes to work on community-wide
        initiatives through the faith organization in a
        community to focus on nurturing women be-
        fore, during and after pregnancy.

                                               FIGURE 3
                   Rajam Ramamurthy, MD, Profes-
                 sor Emeritus, Department of  Pedi-
                 atrics.  UT  Health.  San  Antonio.
                 Leader, Public Health Action Com-
        mittee of  the Faith Based Initiative of  the City of
        San Antonio.

        Suggested Reading:

        • United  Nations,  Department  of  Eco-
           nomic and Social Affairs - Population Di-
           vision - World Population Prospects, the
           2015 Revision


        • Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Sep;128(3):447-55

                                 TABLE 2

      ****Maternal Deaths are reported as the
      number of deaths due to pregnancy, child-
      birth,  the  puerperium  up  to  six  weeks
      post-delivery, and any obstetric cause from
      42 days to a year post-delivery and its se-
      quelae (ICD-10 codes O00-O99).

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