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              SLEEP DISORDERS

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        they are highly invasive and often lead to less predictable functional  averaging 63.4%, 56.2%, 52%, 52.5% and 57.7% at 3, 6, 12, 18
        and cosmetic outcomes – leading many ENTs to forgo treating  and 24 months, respectively (p<0.001)
        NVC. None of these solutions meet the risk-benefit expectations  • No adverse change in cosmetic appearance at 24 months post
        of either physicians or patients.                        procedure
                                                               • Short learning curve for physicians adopting the technology
        An innovative treatment for NVC may provide
        durable relief from NAO symptoms                         While we need to remember that NAO treatment options will al-
          A recent innovation has                              ways depend on the cause, it is important to consider anatomical
        enabled physicians to use a                            issues, including NVC as a possibility. NVC independently affects
        new approach for address-                              the quality of life for NAO patients, and patients fare significantly
        ing NAO due to NVC - the                               worse when left untreated. The availability of a safe, intuitive solu-
        LATERA  ®   absorbable                                 tion to treat NVC patients without altering appearance now enables
        nasal  implant.  This  new                             physicians to administer a durable solution to their condition – and
        option has yielded success                             that should help all of us breathe a bit easier.
        for  both  patients  and
        physicians  as  these  im-                                      Dr. Jose Barrera, MD practices at the Texas Center for Facial
        plants address the anatom-                                     Plastic and Laser Surgery & Endormir Sleep and Sinus Institute
        ical  issue  of  a  collapsed                                  in San Antonio where he specializes in sleep and nasal surgery.
        nasal wall by providing ad-    NASAL IMPLANT
        ditional  support  to  nasal
        wall cartilage and stabilizing its structural integrity. The implant is  References
        inserted through a small incision and works to support the upper  1. Value calculated based on 2014 US population estimate from US Census
        and lower lateral cartilage by anchoring above the maxilla to provide  and World Bank data in conjunction with incidence numbers cited in Stewart
        cantilever support. Correction of the underlying structural defect  et al. Epidemiology and burden of  nasal congestion. Intl J Gen Med 2010;
        in the nasal wall reduces NAO symptoms and helps patients breathe  2010:3 37-45.
        better. Importantly, patients have experienced a minimal risk of any  2. Rhee et al. Nasal Valve Surgery Improves Disease-Specific Quality of  Life.
        adverse cosmetic changes.                                 Laryngoscope 115: March 2005.
          The implant is designed to be absorbed over a period of ap-  3. Crawford-Brown, Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of  Human
        proximately 18 months. After implantation, tissue encapsulation  Health Risk Analysis; 1997, Page 103.
        promotes acute implant stability and enables localized tissue re-  4. Stewart M G. et al.Development and validation of  the Nasal Obstruction
        sponse during the absorption process. Remodeling occurs once  Symptom  Evaluation  (NOSE)  scale.  OtolaryngolHead  Neck  Surg
        the implant is replaced with fibrous collagen construct to provide  2004;130 (2) 157- 163.
        ongoing support.                                       5. Wever,  The  Nasal  Airway:  A  Critical  Review;  Facial  Plast  Surg
          Positive data were recently presented at the 2017 Annual Meet-  2016;32:17–21.
        ing of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstruc-  6. Camacho et al, The Effect of  Nasal Surgery on Continuous Positive Air-
        tion Surgery (AAFPRS). The study was conducted in 30 adult  way Pressure Device Use and Therapeutic Treatment Pressures: A System-
        patients with NVC. Patients had severe or extreme symptoms as  atic Review and Meta-Analysis; SLEEP, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2015.
        established by the validated Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evalua-  7. Lin et al, Nasal Aerodynamics. May 14, 2015.
        tion (NOSE) instrument. A total of 56 implants were placed in  8. Constantian MB, Clardy RB. The Relative Importance of  Septal and
        these 30 patients, 26 of whom received implants on both sides of  Nasal Valvular Surgery in Correcting Airway Obstruction in Primary
        the nose. Patients were assessed at 1 week and 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and  and Secondary Rhinoplasty. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 1996 Jul;
        24 months post-procedure.                                 98(1): 47.
                                                               9. Ricci, et al. Role of  Nasal Valve in the Surgically Corrected Nasal Res-
        Key findings of the study include:                        piratory Obstruction: Evaluation Through Rhinomanometry. American
        • Continuing, significant NOSE score reduction at all time points,  Journal of  Rhinology. September-October 2001, Vol. 15, Nov. 5.

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