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              SLEEP DISORDERS

          A Unique Insight for High Schoolers into the Brain and the Mind

              Edit and photos by Patricia S. Machado, Medical Student, University of Texas San Antonio, Long School of Medicine

                 he  second-year  medical  students  of   University  of
         T       Texas Health San Antonio Long School of Medicine
                 had the pleasure to organize and execute Camp Neuro
                 this year on its campus from June 25th-29th. Camp
        Neuro is a one-week summer camp hosted by cities all over the
        nation, where medical students teach high-school aged kids about
        neurology, medicine, and psychology. This is an innovative ap-
        proach to learning that allows high schoolers to have a valuable
        hands-on experience at a medical school level. Talented doctors
        and medical students put together a camp to mentor young stu-
        dents towards healthcare careers and education in healthy living.
        The camp is composed of hands-on workshops, exercises to pro-
        mote healthy living, and lectures ranging from neurophysiology,
        neuroimaging and diagnostics, and pathological diseases. The
        camp also provides the invaluable opportunity to learn hands on  From left to right we have some of the medical student leaders of Camp
                                                               Neuro, Patricia Machado, Fayette Adelaja, Zach Burgess, JP Bonansaga, Zach
        anatomy by assisting students dissect sheep brain and teach suture  Burgess, Ahnaff, Josh Bietcham, and Dr. Vogul. Dr. Vogul is one of the MS2
        techniques using pig feet.                             module directors for the UT School of Medicine Neurology block “Mind Brain &
                                                               Behavior” and neuroanatomist in charge of teaching different aspects of the
          Joshua Bietchman is a 2nd year medical student and was the  brain anatomy.
        primary organizer and host of Camp Neuro this year. As a Texas
        A&M alumni, he worked with blast traumatic brain injury re-  have allowed me to be successful in my personal and professional
        search, and continued on to pursue a Masters in Biomedical sci-  life. I find working with children and specifically the campers this
        ences  at  Midwestern  University  and  researched  affective  week incredibly rewarding.”
        conditions following TBI (traumatic brain injury). After being  JP Bonansiga (MS2) was also an invaluable leader and con-
        asked why he got involved with camp neuro he responds: “I got  ducted most of the lectures in Camp Neuro. With his extensive
        into Camp Neuro due to my continuing desire to help educate  background in the military and interest in neurology he was able
        and treat children. Being an Eagle Scout, I have worked with chil-  to provide his perspective in traumatic brain injury and anatomy.
        dren of all ages in Scouting, research and medicine. I have a firm  His lectures constituted of demyelinating diseases, ALS, Myas-
        belief to continue to "pay it forward" from all the excellent men-  thenia Gravis, Parkinson’s disease and general anatomy overview.
        torship that I have received from the physician and scientists that  Ahnaf Arefin was another MS2 leader of Camp Neuro and at-

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